What I can do for You

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Your P.O.V.

Hendrickson was leading me to our destination

Dreyfus comes out of nowhere and wants to start a fight with Hendrickson to stop him

You zone them out as you put your hands on your belly

'I will always protect you, I love you'

King's P.O.V.

"You have to stop this, Helbram!" I yell dodging his sword attack

"There's no reason for us to be fighting anymore, right? Please Helbram, don't make me want to hurt you again!" I yell trying to get through to him

"You..are...my...you..are..my..best..you..are..my..best friend" Helbram struggles to say

"I'm sorry" I say with tears in my eyes

"Hurry..if..its you...i'll be fine...I don't care how many times it takes to kill me...I beg you...Hurry! and do it...please..while i'm...still me...please...kill me!" Helbram manages to say

I start to cry, because I don't want to kill my best friend

Your P.O.V.

Hendrickson and Dreyfus have been going at it for a while 

I can feel Meli, Ban, and Hawk? coming closer to me

'They're almost here baby, don't worry' I say to my baby

All of a sudden there was a big blast of power and I got hit by the blast

I went flying to the floor with a big pain in my stomach

I look down to see that my stomach is bleeding 

I put my hands on my stomach to stop the bleeding and save my baby

'The bleeding won't stop!'

I try using my Goddess healing powers, but I couldn't 

'Why won't my powers work?!' I yell at my inner Goddess

'I'm sorry (y/n), it's too late to save your child' My inner goddess says solemnly 

'No!' I yell

I try to summon my  goddess form, but I couldn't

I tried my Demon form as well, but I couldn't 

That's when I feel it, the little magical power that was dormant in my baby in my stomach was fading

'No! please you can't die!' I start to cry

I feel my baby's life force go away

"NOOOOOOOOO!" I yell as I scream in agony

All of a sudden I feel my baby's power flow through my entire body and it settles in my head and that's when I hear it

'Mom, being born was never my destiny, i'm sorry for causing you pain, but this was my destiny, I love you' A beautiful baby boy voice said in my head, but then it goes away

My body starts to glow and I can feel all my powers and my son's power flow in me

I stand up and I can see i'm fully healed and my powers including my son's power become one and then they became dormant 

"(y/n)?" I hear my mate's voice 

I look up and see him standing there with meli next to him

I put my hands on my stomach and I start to cry and fall down to my knees

The Eighth Deadly Sin, The Sin of Forgetfulness, The Wolf Sin, (Your name)Where stories live. Discover now