The Legends, Provoked

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Your P.O.V.

I was currently in the tavern, in the restroom, puking my guts out

'Ugh, i'm 90% sure that I might be pregnant, but I need to know for sure, I need to talk to someone who might know about this or can at least do something to find out if I am'

I get up and I wash my face

I walk out the tavern and see Meli and Ban having a drinking competition

King is with Diane

Elizabeth is tending to Gowther

Everybody looks like they are having a good time

I go and sit next to Gowther to see if he can find out if I am really pregnant

"Hey Gowther" I say smiling at him

"Hello, (y/n)" He replies before looking away and just staring off 

I see Meli come and say, "I'm so moved, I was starting to think i'd never be reunited with the others again" for Gowther's thoughts 

"That's what you were just thinking about wasn't it?" Meli says with his cheery voice sitting down on the other side of Gowther 

"I was noticing that none of us are from the same species, well except for (y/n), I still can't quite figure out what she is" Gowther says 

I look at him when he says something about me and then I look at Meli and he looks worried too, but then he shrugs it off by saying, "Now that you mention, that is true"

He takes a sip of his beer mug and places it down on the table a little hard 

"So Gowther, ten years ago, when all of us were framed for trying to overthrow the kingdom, Liones, well I was wondering if you remem-" Meli gets cut off when Gowther decided to use his magic to look at his memory 

"I know what you want to ask, I see your own memory of the event is clouded, incomplete, but you wish to know who assaulted you when we fled" Gowther says

"Do you know?" Meli asks

"Yes, I do in fact, it was the Boar Sin of Gluttony, Merlin" He says

Meli looks taken aback when he finds out

"Merlin! but why?" He asks

"I can't speak to her motive. I did hear several rumors, but none of them proved to be reliable, and whenever I got close to the truth, she will disappear again without a trace" Gowther says

Meli thinks for a second, but then gets interrupted when a drunk Ban comes and pulls Gowther to his side

All of a sudden everybody started to smell King because of Gowther or something, but I didn't want to smell King 

"You started this mess, so clean it up!" I hear King yell at Gowther

"Vey well" Gowther says as he points out his finger to use his magic

His magic hits Diane's and Ban's neck

"Diane, you claim to be 29 feet tall, when in fact you know you're actually closer to 30, the fudging of your weight is even more severe" Gowther says before he gets crushed by a flustered Diane

"As for you Ban, you failed to mention to (y/n) that you were actually the one that stole her panties when she asked you if you have stolen them" Gowther says 

'I f*****g knew it'

Ban turns all red and looks at me all scared

I smirk and mind-link him, 'I guess you won't be getting that special treatment I talked to you about this morning'

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