A Little Girl's Dream

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Meliodas' P.O.V.

Approximately 8 miles Northeast of Baste (A/N: Just realized it was Baste) Prison we arrived at Dalmally Town.

I right away try to find  a doctor who can see what's wrong with (Y/N).

We finally find a doctor who can help her out. 

I was right by her side the entire time along with Elizabeth as well. The doctor was giving (Y/N) medicine for her to heal.

"This medicinal blend is my own special concoction. I guarantee it will ease her suffering" The doctor says

"Thank you doctor" I reply 

He leaves the room and I just stand next to (Y/N) while Elizabeth was putting a wet cloth on her forehead

'Hopefully Elizabeth's Goddess healing powers work a little bit to help (Y/N) out'

I walk outside to talk to Diane

"Hey Diane, can you go up ahead and try to see if you can do anything to help Ban escape, I have a feeling once he finds out we are coming to rescue him, he will escape himself out" I ask

"Sure Captain!" She says cheerily as she starts to walk towards the prison.

All of a sudden bugs started to come to town from the prison

"I got this Captain, go back to (y/n)" Diane tells me

"Alright be careful Diane" I say as I walk towards the room where (y/n) is at

"Can you believe this girl is still out cold after all that racket outside" I hear Hawk say

Then I hear someone knock on the door

"Just checking on how our patient is doing" I hear the doctor say

"Better thanks to you. That medicine of yours seems to be working well, quite well" I hear Elizabeth say

"Yea its almost like she's dead or something" I hear Hawk say

I'm getting closer to the door when, "Hawk please, don't say things like that!" I hear Elizabeth say

"In fact, its quite accurate" I hear the doctor say

'What!' I was about to come into the room when I hear an unknown voice

"Doctor you did quite well, it appears you successful in your task" The voice says

My body starts to shake with fury

"Huh? What th-?" Hawk says

"Is someone there?" I hear Elizabeth

I burst into the room and everybody turns towards me. I walk to the doctor and knock him out with a punch. I then look around to see where this voice is coming from, but I don't see anybody

"SHOW YOURSELF!" I scream 


All of a sudden (y/n) was being lifted into the air and then she wakes up and both her eyes were purple and she had Demon markings covering her entire body.

She reaches out and grabs something. That's when I see it. The person is invisible and was trying to take (y/n) away. 

She was choking him with her hand. He became visible now and then he dropped to the floor with (y/n) in his arms

(y/n) stood up and was looking around sniffing and growling

I right away went up to her so she can focus on me and wouldn't harm Elizabeth.

The Eighth Deadly Sin, The Sin of Forgetfulness, The Wolf Sin, (Your name)Where stories live. Discover now