Evermore ~ Yandere! Jonathan Joestar x Reader

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    Being shy and rather reserved, never helped them in finding you a suitor. Men would find themselves frustrated no matter what approach they took, impatience grew and they would be out the door never to return. Your parents were growing tired of the consistent outcome, your e/c eyes not even showing a flicker of interest. No matter how proper and prim your mother would dress you or instruct you to appeal to others, you didn't want to flirt, you didn't want to be noticed, you just wanted to be,free.

Today, had been no different...

It became routine for you to walk away from her and your father, hearing the same words repeated to you over and over. However there was an escape from those tedious lectures. A lovely horse given to you by your closest relative, by the name of Charlot he had been a comfort since you came of age. To say the least taking care of it was no trouble at all, feeding, cleaning up messes, grooming was all by your hand. He'd greet you happily every time you came to his shelter. Awaiting for you to stroke him or even comb through its hair. Along with that a time or two you had fallen asleep with the gentle giant without care.

Now sitting on a pile of straw, next to them you sigh

"You know Charlot I just don't feel comfortable with being together with a man..."

The [color] horse gives a soft grunt in return leaning its head down for you to pet him. Eagerly your s/c hand slides across with gentle strokes. "I just really wish mother and father could see that..." You continued indulging yourself and Charlot in a relaxing exchange. " They say I'll get used to it...if I find the one" your companion moved to the side while you switched out your tired hand.

"But, I don't want to think about having someone like that after all I have you don't I?" You questioned gently returning your hand to your lap. "Of course I have [uncles name] too..." Your fathers brother seemed the most understanding, being a widower he focused on his horses rather than another relationship. It seemed so surreal how different he acted from your parents, and whenever you weren't talking to Charlot you found a way to sneak off to your uncle.

"There she goes again with that horse he gave her..." a voice hissed with disdain "That brother of yours made things worse by giving her that animal" Inside looking at you from afar your mother was now glaring at your father. "I know, I know" He responded "It was a horrible mistake in letting him give the horse to her"

"Well, we need to do something about it, she's getting out of hand [father's name] and I mean quickly"

Your father's e/c eyes look outside rather apologetically as you continue to talk to the horse as if it were another person. Making him wonder if he went wrong with even introduce you to his brother while you were still an impressionable little girl. But by your mothers words he needed to pull you out of this state one way or another. Even if that horse had to meet its likely demise. "I'll take care of the issue tonight while she's in bed, just keep her distracted until then will you?". Your mother had no second thought about agreeing to his proposal.

It was near nightfall by the time you returned inside, your mother having dinner on the table. While your father was absent from the table, quietly you wipe off the straw from your dress and try to clean yourself as best as you could. You didn't even bother looking at your mother who at the moment was busy dealing with the food. It was fairly obvious at this point your relationship with her was highly strained. You felt you had good reason to at the least have mixed feelings on her courtship methods. You've seen people go off and be married like it was nothing, it just felt so rushed. Yet they were completely content with that.

That's just not what you wanted your life to be, whether realistic to your parents or not.

A tap of a plate sitting on the table snapped you out of your thoughts, a mumble of thank you came from your lips. Silently you both ate without a single word spoken in between bites. Your eyes shift to the empty seat but you never bothered to ask about him. You didn't feel like directing any questions about either of them.

Give and Take - Yandere Jojo's Bizarre Adventure x Reader Parts [1-8]Where stories live. Discover now