Psychotic Determination ~ Yandere! Narcisco Anasui x Male!Prisoner! Reader

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*This was a request from my quotev account*   

   Bruises and small scrapes littered your body, your breathing heavy from the recent scuffle that abruptly ended by your hand. The noise that was occurring in the background was muffled into an indecipherable mess. Your eyes simply stared down at the bloodied unconcious body beneath you. In total you broke their nose, several ribs, and several nasty bruises from where your punches landed hard. Your hands were in no better condition than the said victim beneath your form. The repercussions were worth the beat down you had given the man.

They were your ex's new boyfriend, a guy that kept wanting to pick a fight with you for the past month. You knew your former lover (if you could really call a manipulative person that) was probably getting a kick of the vitriol that spat out of the two of yours mouth. Today just happened to be the day you were fed up with the bullshit and knocked this guy's lights out.

You kept standing there as you heard sirens coming from the distance, even as your likely arrest came you did nothing about it.

Considering the hell that your past relationships both dating women and men, being put in prison didn't feel so bad at the moment.

You've dealt with cheaters and liars, but somehow this little event was the cherry on top of it all. Cheating hurt like hell but at least you could leave for good if you didn't want to fix the relationship. Though you'd admit this situation simply could've been dealt with a simple restraining order and collecting evidence to send to the police. Well that's what a rational person would do, but when you had thrown that first punch at this douche, rational thoughts were long gone out of your mind.

Just as quickly you saw your ex kneeling down to their partner with tears streaking down their face.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You knocked him out cold" Their voice strained in anger

You could bet if this situation were reveresed they'd be happy with their ex beating the snot out of you.

"Maybe if you didn't enjoy two guys fighting over you this wouldn't have happened" You replied coldly "I'm glad it's over though I won't have to see your sorry face for a while after the police come"

They had nothing more to say other than shrieking profanity at you, and you took it all in just remembering why you left them in the first place. Their unrealistic expectations and nearly getting you in a fight a couple years back.

"You deserve to be in jail you jackass"

A sweet demeanor that masked the scent of rotting garbage was the perfect description of your ex.

Slowly the sirens of both the ambulance and a couple of police cars came to where you all were standing. Your wounds would have to be treated first and foremost before even thinking about being sent off to the nearest jail. The entire time you stayed silent unless it was to talk to the officers. There was no look of smug satisfaction, nothing seething in the glimmer of your eyes, it was just utter apathy.

Once everything was set and done you were handcuffed and sent off to Green Dolphin St Jail. The eight months time you'd have to serve didn't seem bad compared to what you had been dealing with the last month or so.

"I don't understand why you didn't just report him to your local police station mr....l/n, you nearly beat the man to death" You were told by one of the correctional officers. "Otherwise you'd be in Green Dolphin for years"

"Well good thing I didn't kill him then, I stopped once the anger was all gone"

"That's not a good way to deal with your anger, you know that right?"

Give and Take - Yandere Jojo's Bizarre Adventure x Reader Parts [1-8]Where stories live. Discover now