Yandere! Josuke Higashikata x Delinquent! Reader x Yandere! Okuyasu Nijimura 2

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          Yelling could be heard as they approached what could be assumed as your place. A loud shrieking on a normally quiet neighborhood had to be the most obvious indicator. They were so loud the two high schoolers could hear your name from outside. Josuke rounded the corner of the house with Okuyasu staying hidden in poorly kept bushes. Keeping an eye on the front door a woman brashly opened the door, a male sleazily dressed came following out. "How dare she disrespect on me, if she comes on this property again I'll call the damn police"

The male didn't seem to care too much "Who gives a damn that little brats out of the house we can finally use that room for somethin' good for once". The man reeked even from the distance the teens were hiding, but luckily the two people they were watching didn't notice their own sharp inhales. Your so called mother turned off the light inside the house before shutting and locking the door. The man was making his way to the driver's seat as they began discussing a well needed trip. They drove off into the distance shortly after.

"She's out of her mind I've never seen a crazier woman than that!" Okuyasu commented

"Well at least we won't have to worry about confronting them" Josuke replied "That aside let's get everything the hell out of her room"

The blue eyed teen was the first to rush out of the bushes with the not as smart friend following his lead. It didn't take long to find your room which was over on the back right corner of the home. He wanted to get in and out of this place as fast as possible, just standing there watching your own mother insult you like trash made his hair rise. It was pretty much near dark at that point so it had to be done quickly.

Within seconds Crazy Diamond was summoned to bust the lock on your room's window. Steadfast he and Okuyasu climbed in after pulling up the window with no damage. Of course from the noise they just overheard, the aftermath was catastrophic.

"It's like a typhoon hit" The darker eyed male piped up looking to Josuke "Man, I'm glad your stand can fix this"

The pompadour adorning teen felt some heartbreak looking at the destruction while taking in his buddy's comment before urging him to collect everything that seemed important to you. There were various pictures in frames shattered on the floor, some of your clothes were ripped, the dresser was knocked to its side completely shattering a lamp and a few other breakable items. The more pictures they saw of you and sneak peaking at the journals you kept from when you were younger sucked the boys attention for a good ten minutes or so before they could properly gather everything they could again.

In total it took two hours to collect important belongings in a couple of suitcases. Everything else seemed pretty replaceable and the two teens quickly fled the scene after.

"I've been through some shitty things with my brother but geez y/n..."

Josuke blankly looked at his friend "let's not bring it up huh? I don't think I could have stayed in that house for much longer than I had finding that crap out"

"Right sorry dude" Raspily Okuyasu apologized

"But it still pisses me off, I wish I could erase her problems out of existence"

The blue eyed teen softly sighed at Okuyasu's words, it was a sentiment he agreed with honestly.


A couple days pass and you didn't receive another message from your dreaded mother surprisingly. There was a lack of multiple voicemails left or texts making your phone buzz every half a second. Had she finally became fed up with you and disowned you for good? It was a dream come true if that were the case. As for the boys and their endeavor of gathering your belongings they had pretty much gotten all you wanted. Though you wondered how nothing was broken from your mother's erratic temper tantrum or how they got into the house but you digressed in this situation.

Give and Take - Yandere Jojo's Bizarre Adventure x Reader Parts [1-8]Where stories live. Discover now