The One Who Almost Got Away ~ Yandere! Jotaro x Reader

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 A/n: This may or may not need a second part to it, but anyway another person asked for another Yandere Jotaro So here you go. Honestly it helped me get out of my writing funk a bit

Sunshine struck through the glass leaving a warm shine in your room, something that was welcome into your room through open curtains. Sighing you had just turned in your last assignment for online classes today. Although you were in your last year of high school, you didn't feel it was worth melding with students in a physical classroom of whom you barely knew. There was little incentive to go as you had put it to your adoptive mother after moving here some months back. You had friends in other places, and if you wanted to make more life would show you in unexpected ways.

"Y/n, would you mind helping me with something?"

"Alright! Be there in a minute " You replied slipping on a pair of socks in haste while trying to get out the door of your room.

Although she wasn't related by blood you loved your foster mother as much as you had your maternal mother. You had no foster father as she was a recent widow herself after a horrible trucking accident that her husband didn't make it out of in Sendai. She decided to adopt just one child and she never regretted doing so even for these past five years. The two of you mended each other's hearts in more ways than one. Keeping each other company it was as if those problems had never existed.

Onto what your adoptive mother needed she was currently in the living room taping up a box. It's contents were unknown to you upon coming closer to you. A small smile came across her lips as she cut the end of the packing tape with a sharp pair of scissors and sealed the end of the box. Approaching slowly you peak over asking what was in the box like any curious person would.

"It's just some China that our neighbor Mrs. Kujo wanted" She responded "I was going to sell them but she cam to me first after seeing me the other day"

"Oh that lady, the one who lives across the street in that large estate?"

"Yes, that one" she sighed "But please don't call her that when you go over to take these dishes to her"

You blink knowing this was another one of her ways to get you to meet new people an aspect of life you didn't really enjoy. Unless of course you decided to come out of your shell on your own. Deciding there was no point of trying to wiggle out of it you went on to grab your shoes. Your foster mother at the ready to hand you the box and open the door for you. Once finished she practically shoved the object in your arms causing you to stumble out the door.

"Have fun~" She hummed and shut the door. You stared at said entrance to your home for a moment before groaning to yourself "Ugh, I'm only taking these to the neighbors...I'm not having an hour conversation with Mrs. Kujo you know"

Cautiously with the clunky box you cross the street and successfully make it over to what you presumed to Kujo property (as far as you knew anyway). Setting the box down briskly you knock on the door waiting for someone to answer it. Taking the box back in your arms you could hear a feminine voice addressing someone else. You froze noting your foster mother never told you anyone else lived under Mrs. Kujo's roof such as children came to mine.

A firm scowl came on your lips momentarily realizing she duped you into doing this. Sure, Mrs. Kujo probably did really want these dishes from the bottom of her heart but you didn't plan on talking to anyone else. "Damn her" You huffed hearing the door click, the irritation on your face practically disappeared when seeing the person. Instead of seeing the feminine face of Mrs. Kujo you were met with a much larger male. His stern green eyes painted a disgruntled expression that sent unwanted chills down your spine.

Give and Take - Yandere Jojo's Bizarre Adventure x Reader Parts [1-8]Where stories live. Discover now