Permanent Dependency ~ Yandere! Johnny Joestar x Male!Mute! Reader

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         Young children tended to get themselves into trouble whether mischievous or the most well mannered child in the area. Like any normal child you had a sense of curiosity and wonder of your fathers job. In awe as he came home covered in at least an inch of soot, your mother would explain to you he worked in what was called a mine. Gathering precious metals and other materials by digging into rocks was what he did. Being a mighty curious boy you'd always ask your father what it was like. Some questions were basic and pretty common for a child to ask. Others were more hard for your father to properly describe to someone of your age.

Occasionally he'd even sneak home a rock or two, even once you received an Amethyst he smuggled out of the mine without anyone noticing. A huge goofy grin would plaster itself on your face and smile at your reaction. Of course this started you asking if you could go with him to his job. All just to see what he did and how he could find pretty colored rocks in the earth. It was too dangerous of course to take a young child to a mining site. The disappointment in your face when your father broke the news to you was difficult to process. Even when you pleaded back and fourth between your mother and father they'd consecutively say no.

Day by day your curiosity grew to the point you began sitting in the grass near the dirt path waiting for your father. Your mother grew worried mentioning you should go out and find another person to play with but you refused. She tried to distract you by dragging you into town when she needed goods. Small toys, sweets, anything that you fancied she would present you. Every time you declined insisting what you wanted was to see your father mine.

"No, means No y/n..."

"I want to see him that a little too much to ask?"

She gave you a stern glare "It is considering your safety young man, I don't want to see you ever go near that mine..."

"but mother"

"Oh but nothing I don't want to hear you ask your father to go to the mine with him until you're old enough"

Your little mouth shut itself up after she gave you that brisk lashing with her tongue. With a small huff you angrily looked away from your mother with the usual distaste that a child would give when something didn't go their way. When you returned home you avoided her like the plague and decided you'd play in the woods. You smashed a few mushrooms below your feet in fury, tossed anything small enough to fit in your hands. Even snapped a few twigs here and there. "It's not's not fair..." you mutter "I wanna see him work"

Pouting you slid your back against a tree and sitting with tears sliding down your face as you wanted to see your father. You'd see him one way or another even if that meant inadvertently disobeying both of your parents.

That evening you acted much differently than you had earlier, the sign of a temper had dissipated and your mother gave you a nice dinner. Once finished it was followed by a scrub down of warm water from the stream not far away. Shortly you were sent off to bed and your mother left to turn in for the night. All the candles, lamps and even the fire place were now out cold. Indicating your mother had a long and rough day that ushered her to turn in immediately. Now in your bed tucked in and all, you stared at the ceiling biding your time until you were certain she fell asleep and wouldn't hear you.

Once certain that a move could be made you slowly pull the covers off your body and swing your legs off the right side of the bed. Your feet hit the icy cold floor making you shiver at the difference in temperature between the skin and wood. Carefully your little feet tip toe across the surface of your room. Your hand softly grips the handle to the door and turns it in such a way to make minimal noise. Opening it carefully it was pitch black aside from the moonlight that flooded in from the slightly opened drapery on the windows. With baited breath you scuttle quickly down the stairs. Luckily the home you lived in was relatively new so there was a pleasant lack of squeaky floor boards anywhere in the house. It made your escape all the easier as you grabbed a pair of shoes that you used to play in the mud.

Give and Take - Yandere Jojo's Bizarre Adventure x Reader Parts [1-8]Where stories live. Discover now