Deeper than Love ~ Yandere Jotaro Kujo x Reader 2/2

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         Maybe you went overboard being distant from Jotaro so you did your best to thank him. He still unsettled you quite a bit but part of that maybe the fact he towers over you like a giant almost. It made most girls who swooned over Jotaro admirable in a way for not being intimidated by him. His piercing gaze didn't help matters and above all his deep voice constantly startled you. Height you could foresee getting used to eventually but his voice, you didn't believe you could ever get used to one that gruff. Which why it was so hard to give him a thank you let alone any sign of appreciation at all. Sure you had a case of shyness but boy did the male test your mettle in forcibly socializing yourself.

To your relief you were on cleaning duty with another student for the classroom this week. Meaning the two of you would stay behind for a little while and make sure the classroom was clean and ready for the following day and or upcoming week. As usual there was a hope in the back of your mind that Jotaro was long gone and out of sight. You silently picked up chairs while the boy swept up the dirt and grime that collected during the day. On one of the back rows that held the males belongings you accidentally knocked off a book he had set out. A loud thump reverberated through the room. You tense up and apologize picking up the book and placing it back on the desk.

"It's fine, I tend to drop my books a lot anyway" he meekly replied eyes returning to focus on sweeping.

Your eyes move over to see there was also a manga sitting neatly on the corner, one you so happened to enjoy yourself. Thinking for a moment whether you should mention this or not. You kept your mouth shut for the moment and emptied the waste bin, allowing a deafening silence in the room. The only other noises were the sounds of other students that had the same responsibility talking back and fourth. By the time that was finished you helped the male with the dustpan to discard the collection of dirt, dust, and bits of garbage.

When everything that was needed to be done was finished your lips tremble to say something as the male collects his belongings. Your heart beat palpitated rapidly out of nervousness, not wanting to fail in your attempt to make conversation like you have in the past you manage to blurt out. "I like the manga you're reading..."

He looks at you stunned for a moment but eventually is expression softens "You like...this type of manga?"

You nod and he seems delighted to hear that, "it's nice to hear someone else who likes it...and I can actually speak with them"

Stiffly you ask about that situation, while he explained. Much so you both walked out of the classroom, mesmerized in his talking until the two of you were in front of the school. There was a car that appeared of which was most likely his ride home. Before he took off he introduced himself

"Isao Kobayashi , it was a pleasure to meet you"

"Y/n, l/n..." you lingered off

"Well uh see you tomorrow then..." he gave a small waive before walking over to his parent's vehicle

You returned the waive rather timidly before heading off back home, the distinct chill of being watched sinking in quickly. Making you hurry home longing to cherish the short fuzzy moment you exchanged with another student.

Jotaro only a short distance away took to trailing you like he had been for awhile now. Adjusting the schedule as needed if you had to stay after school for one reason or another. If he remembered correctly that student you spoke with had an affinity for manga and books, his head was almost always in a book in one shape or form. The green eyed male wouldn't be surprised if you both had similar interests. Forming a friendship was another way he could take advantage about learning more about you.

Give and Take - Yandere Jojo's Bizarre Adventure x Reader Parts [1-8]Where stories live. Discover now