Let Me In ~ Yandere! Kakyoin Noriaki x Reader

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    Rain poured down in a hard torrent immediately soaking your hair, you curse and mutter regretting not bringing your umbrella. The taxi wasn't at your location yet and there wasn't a sign of shelter that you could legally stand under until then. Putting your hood up helped slightly to at least prevent you from feeling the sensation of raindrops on your hair. A moment later you could see the raindrops slipping around you, upon turning you were face to face with a red haired male with a rather interesting curl of hair swept to the left side. His cherry earrings swayed in the slight wind that was currently blowing along the rain. "I noticed you didn't have an umbrella, so I hope you don't mind being under mine" They curtly told you "I hate seeing young ladies getting drenched with nothing to cover their heads"

"Oh uh Thank you that's so kind" you respond nervously since you weren't used to being so close in proximity to a male.

Silence fell between you and the stranger making the situation tediously unnerving. The only sound around was the rain hitting the ground and the occasional passing of a car. Making the environment rather chilling and creepy to be standing next to someone you didn't know.

It wasn't until you saw headlights in the dark heading your way did the wall of tension finally crumble. You eagerly hurried over to the passenger side door and grabbed the handle to the door. Pausing suddenly when you realized the male that shielded you from the rain with his own umbrella would be left in the weather. Turning your head you saw him walking away, you pursed your lips about to say something to him but refrained yourself. He was a stranger after all and even though he was well kept in appearance you weren't sure what he could be hiding behind it.

Your eyes turned to the driver and you slipped into the cab silently closing the door. Buckling up your eyes stayed glued to the window looking for that stranger but found he was nowhere in your sights. He had left relatively quickly wherever he had gone off to.

When you had arrived home you had this strange feeling in your chest but you couldn't identify why it was there. Maybe it was guilt, nervousness, regret even but there was no reason to have any of those feelings buzzing in your brain. Maybe you needed sleep to get over this after all they were only a stranger.

A week passes on from that event and once again you have a close encounter with the same male. You were loading groceries into the back of the cars when a bag suddenly bursts from weight. A glass bottle of sauce tumbles from your grip looking to fall and smash its contents on the ground but it never does. Instead it safely lands in the hand of that familiar male, this time you could properly examine his looks aside from his hair and those earrings he bore. "Good thing I was around to catch this, it would've been a horrible mess" he commented kindly and set it in another bag.

"Who are you?" You asked dumbfounded

You watch his eyes momentarily look caught off guard before properly straightening himself out. "How rude of me, I should've introduced myself in the first place-" he sighed and smiled "I'm Kakyoin Noriaki"

"You were the one that held the umbrella over me that one week..." You were thinking back to that one night for a moment.

He confirms your observation and apologizes for not telling you his name in the first place at that time. This was mostly for the fact he may or may have not creeped you out standing next to you silently. You insisted it was alright considering you didn't even think you'd see him again. The fact he went out of his way for a stranger was good enough for a person like you. "Is everything alright? You look worried" The male mentioned with concern laced in his voice.

You turn rigid at his worried remark "oh...well I know this sounds strange but I at least want to give you something in return for going to the trouble of helping me"

Give and Take - Yandere Jojo's Bizarre Adventure x Reader Parts [1-8]Where stories live. Discover now