Chapter 16

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I turned around and ended up looking at Mr Knight straight in the eye.

"Michael, you shouldn't be in here, please leave" Mr Blake said to him, Knight ripped his gaze away from me and stared at Blake with a hard look.
, he then turned to me, ignoring Blake's comment.

"I told you to stay away from him , Sidney" he said to me, warningly.

I looked at my rose to avoid his gaze. "What a pretty rose" he said , I looked back at him seeing he was grinning.

"Michael, if she should stay away from anyone it should be you" Blake said.

I looked at Blake who was now nearer to me.

Mr Knight took a step forward to me too.

"Don't get any closer" Knight said , Then all of a sudden I was pulled to my feet.

Knight shouted, I looked at Blake, "hey!" I yanked my arm away.

"Leave, Sidney, go" he said starring at knight.

"He isn't going to hurt me-"

"I SAID GO!" Blake shouted, I grabbed my belongings then rushed out hearing Knight and Blake argue behind me before the door closed.

I was rushing to my car, really confused over what had happened inside.

"Oh, hey Sid!"

I Snapped my head up seeing Stacey besides my car.

"Oh, hey, Stacey" I said to her, pulling out my keys from my bag.

"I was looking for you but Ara said you got detention so I waited, you're out early" she giggled. "aw, thanks Stacey and yeah um Blake wanted me to leave" I chuckled, "but anyways what's up?" I looked at her.

"I was wondering if we can get to know each other, like hang out or something" she said fiddling with her hands nervously.

"Oh sure, when would you want to hang out?" I asked her.

She pulled out her phone "let me check" she said.

She must be really busy if she had to pull out what I assume is a calendar.

"Um, I um, I'm free today but if youre busy we can reschedule" she said.

"I'm free , I finished my performance, I don't have homework, no chores that I know of" I said to her. "oh, okay great" she then smiled but it wasnt her smile it was forced. I wondered if she was that nervous.

"Alright well want to come over to my place?" I asked her. Her smile faded but it came back just as quick, "I'd love to! But are you sure? I mean I am still a stranger, you really want to do that?" She asked still playing with her hands and phone. .

"well its not the wisest choice but my father likes me going directly home after school and he worries a lot" I told her.

"okay" she said with a forced smile.

"Well then okay" she forced a giggle out.

"Alright want to follow?" I asked her, she nodded then quickly went to her car which was a few cars down from mine.

I got inside my car then started it up and made sure that Stacey was behind me so I can start to take off.

And when I did I kept looking into my rear view mirror watching as she was talking on the phone which worried Me and she didn't look too happy herself.

She finally looked at me then I made the turn I had to take with her following suit , right after me.

We arrived both to my home soon. Stacey got out of her car and began to look around immediately.

"Stacey?" I called to her, she looked around worriedly and her chest went up and down fast and heavy as if she was freaking out.

"Stacey!" I called out to her louder.

She turned to me then she smiled immediately. "what's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked her, "oh, yeah! " she giggled.

"I'm just lost you know? Haven't been to this part of town" she said with a smile.

"Alright then" I said suspiciously, turning around to walk to my front door. I heard her sigh behind me. "um, my father is going to be picking me up later, do you mind me sending your address to him?" She asked, hesitantly.

"Of course" I said opening the door then letting her in.

I offered her my hand so I can type down the address but she quickly jerked away her hand, " no, no, no, its okay, we can do it later" she smiled and nervously laughed.

"Stacey, are you okay, you're acting funny and you're freaking me out" I said with a chuckle but I was rather serious.

"Sorry I'm just nervous, you see, i-i don't have much friends" she said shyly.

"But you're so nice to everyone, you literally talk to everyone you meet and they love you instantly, I envy that but at the same time I pity you because you have a sweet reputation, one wrong look and everything goes to shit, been there, done that" I explained as i opened the front door and walked inside, "make yourself comfortable" I said to her, not giving her time to comment on what I had said.

I turned around and watched as she looked at me sadly, "okay, sorry I didn't mean that, but really, you're a sweet girl, I like you, you're-"

She gave me a large smile, "you're okay" I grinned then threw my bag On the couch and went to the kitchen.

"Are you thirsty?" I shouted as I went to My fridge. "sure!" She shouted back, I grabbed two water bottles then went back to the living room, handing one to her.

"I forgot my father isn't home so I have to restock on food, but we can go out to eat later if you'd like, unless you want to munch on left overs from last week" I Joked with her, she laughed then opened her water bkttle. "whatever you want, Sidney" she said with a smile, I smiled back then went to my TV,  turned it on then popped a CD into the DVD player.

That's when her phone began to ring and the annoying notification flash on her phone started going berserk.

She jumped at the sound of her phone spazzing out, "oh god" she whispered, I gave her a weird look, "can I take this outside?" She asked, she looked heavily worried and scared.

"Of course, I'll be in the kitchen so I won't hear" I said then got up at the same time she did.

The only difference between her and I was she got up at the speed of light while I went to the kitchen.

I'm a bitch but I'm not rude.

Hint of Sin (Teacher×Student×Teacher) (Obsessed Teacher Series Book #1) Where stories live. Discover now