Chapter 20

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"You need to go!" I whisper shouted but he didn't have time to respond because my dad walked into the living room.

"I hired him as your tutor, now sit tight" My dad pointed at me.

"I don't need a tutor!" I shouted back in annoyance.

"Sidney, you can throw your fits later, have some respect" My dad said pointedly at me.

I rolled my eyes, "Behave Sidney, I'm doing this just to help you not because I think it's fun" my dad said to me.

"Um, Sir" Mr knight slightly tried to interject, "I want my daughter to have wonderful grades! Better than mine had ever been!" My father continued , ignoring Knight.

"Sir!" Knight slightly raised his voice causing us to snap our heads in his direction.

"One, It's fine, and Two, your chicken will over cook if you keep trying to lecture her in this moment" Knight said causing my dad to turn around and dart into the kitchen.

Now it was him and I again.

I crossed my arms and looked at him.

He closed the front door behind him, "I need tutoring, really?" I asked.

"Well yeah, did you get on Blake's bad side? You have a C- in that class, you do know that that is an F in the eyes of adminstration? We are a private academy, Sidney, and if he isn't helping you someone should, I have free time and will be tutoring you plus a few other kids separately" he said.

"Why are you doing this? You know that night meant nothing right? So ejy do you keep appearing in my life?" I muttered.

"Coincidence? See if we both know that night meant nothing, then why should it stop you from getting tutored and making this awkward?" He asked.

He was right, but I still wasn't fully on board.

"I'll admit, you're attractive but, never again" I said and that made him chuckle.

"Way to not make things awkward" he said, I turned to him. "I'm kidding. Thank you for that compliment, made my day" he smiled.

Ugh, he even has an attractive smile. Damn this guy to hell, really.

"You're an English teacher too?" I asked him, changing the subject.

"Used to be yes, when I became a drama teacher I had to have my share of years in English literature, Language Arts and so on" he said.

"can't you just convince Blake to give me my missing assignments?" I asked Knight.

"That's the thing, you're not missing anything, the two tests you've taken so far have brought your grade down" he said then his eyes flickered to the gifts on my table.

"Your father brought you those?" He asked.

"Nope, before you came someone had rang the door bell, before I got to open the door that had left" I said shrugging.

"They are wonderful gifts" He smiled, "They're okay" I shrugged.

"You like something more expensive?" He arched his eyebrow laughing, "No, I just don't accept apology gifts" I muttered then realized I gave away this person.

Hint of Sin (Teacher×Student×Teacher) (Obsessed Teacher Series Book #1) Where stories live. Discover now