Chapter 28

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Sidney's POV

"Where's Victoria?!" I shouted at Johnson who appeared terrified.

"Miss Stone! Drop your weapon, now!
We have him, everything us going to be just fine!" A cop Shouted while his gun rose up to aim at me.

"Where is my sister!?" I shouted again pointing the gun in Johnson's direction. He put his arms up immediately, "She-She's in the car' he pointed towards my car, but the back doors were open.

Did she escape or did someone take her?

Just then another car came along, it was a cop driving Michael's car, Michael was still holding his shoulder, he was still in excruciating pain, behind his car was another cop SUV with a K9 unit.

Through the SUVs speakers, more directions were given to me about giving up "my" weapon. It wasn't even mine to begin with.

"Sidney! Drop it!" Michale pulled himself out of his car, the cop who had driven him was aiming his own gun at me now.

I wanted to put the gun down but part of me didn't, not until someone grabbed Johnson and put him behind bars for good.

"Sidney! They will shoot you! You will leave your family alone, you will leave your sister, you just got her back Sidney" Michael came approaching me with the cops ordering him not to get any closer to me but he did not care.

Tears soon starting pouring from my eyes, "I rather you shoot me than them" Johnson said finally, but his voice was shaky.

"Shut up" I said through gritted teeth.

"A world without you is a world I do not want to live in, Sidney, if I get locked away, I will never see you again, so I rather much die here and now by your own hand" Johnson kept speaking after I told him not to.

"I said shut up!" I shouted at him, "I can easily get away from these motherfuckers anyways, Sidney, you won't ever be free" he said then smirked.

My heart stopped hearing him say that creepy phrase.

A detective then began to head my way, "Sidney, if you shoot him, you will join him in prison, you have a sister waiting for you to be there when she wakes up, do you really want to do this?" She asked.

I bit my lip as the gun shook in my hand.

"He said he'll get away from you" I muttered.

"Not on my watch he won't" she said, her stress-wrinkle surrounding hazel orbs starred into mine.

"He will not plead guilty, I just know it" I whispered, she still heard me because she then stepped on his shoulder for he tried to sit up and looked at me.

"We have enough evidence to book him and send him to maximum security" she said to Me.

I shook my head, "That won't be enough" I sighed.

"To hell it won't, since when has prison ever stopped love?! I am not giving up on Sidney, I am not going to plead guilty, I have a good ass lawyer, she and I will be together whether you like it or not" Johnson shouted maniacly at the detective.

Hint of Sin (Teacher×Student×Teacher) (Obsessed Teacher Series Book #1) Where stories live. Discover now