Chapter 24

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When the last bell rang, I immediately got together with my friends and Victoria, since we had the same last period, and went to the parking lot.

On the way to the parking lot we happened to walk by Stacey and Knight who were talking, they both stared as we walked by, I noticed Stacey was crying, maybe that's why they were talking.

As we neared the parking lot I noticed Blakes car was already gone, which indicated to me he had left already.

"So are we hanging out at your place?" Ara asked me, "Sure" I shrugged, "I wouldn't mind getting to know the little sister a bit better" Ara said making Victoria smile.

"Can I ride with you?" Stan asked me, "You always do, why do you need to ask?" I chuckled, "Because he is mad at me" Ara chuckled and went to her own car.

"What'd she do?" I asked him, "She forgot to write me into our scene for first period!" He shouted, Ara was cracking up in her car, Victoria slightly giggled.

"But did she end up writing you in?" I asked him, "No I had to do It myself" he said which made me slightly chuckle. "Alright, kiddo, you go in the back" I opened the back seat for Victoria. 

She wordlessly got in but stan insisted she should go in front with me but I gave him a lecture how she is smaller than us and I feel safer if she is in the back seats so that argument ended quickly.

When both Ara and I arrived at my place we noticed a strange car. That wasn't my fathers.

But I noticed it, so did Victoria.

"Is Mr Blake here?" She asked, "Blake?" Stan looked at me quickly.

"Motherfucker" I muttered.

"Stay here, keep Victoria safe" I said to him as I left out the car, Stan locked it once I got out.

Ara was getting out of her car but I shook my head at her.

I turned around, "Hey" she said which made me turn back to her.

She threw an object my way, as I caught the metal object she closed her own door.

I looked down at the object , it was a blade she always carried in her car.

I stormed into my home, knife at hand, There was noise coming from my kitchen.

I burst through the door seeing Blake on my table.

"Johnson. Get out." I spat at him.

He looked down at his watch then at me, "You're late" he simply said then looked back down at his phone.

"I'm late?! You don't even know the time I get home! Since when have you been in my home and who in the hell let you in?!" I shouted at him.

"Your father did before he left, I actually do not have a 6th period anymore, which means I can spend more time with you." He smiled then stood up.

"You didn't answer my other question" I said to him , readjusting my grip on the knife.

"You'll hurt yourself, put that away" He reached out to me but I stood back and held the knife in a way where if he got closer I can strike at him.

He sighed then backed away, "Look, your class switching is not going to keep me away from you, I said I am Sorry, I've been trying to apologize like a mad person. I kept my promise! And I haven't lied to you unlike Knight has!" Johnson shouted, "Speaking of Knight! Did you call the cops on him?!" I snapped.

He looked away from me then looked back at me, "You paid those damn ass cops didn't you?!" I shouted at him, my grip on the knife was getting harder.

"I had to! Okay?! He was stealing you away from me! I snapped okay!" He shouted.

"If you had to call the cops on anyone it should have been yourself" I said then turned around, I opened the kitchen door, "Now get the hell out of my house and get the hell out of my life" I said to him.

I watched his face drop harshly as the words dripped from my voice like venom.

"Sid-" he began to stammer, "Get!" I shouted, pointing the knife towards my front door.

"I'm sorry" he said walking towards me, when he stepped out the kitchen door, he turned to me briefly.

"I'm sorry that you think this is over" he said, looking dead into my eyes, my stomach and heart dropped to my ass, "Also" he said snatching the knife from me, effortlessly.

"No matter how tight you hold this crap, if you're not holding it properly, this happens" he said pointing the knife towards my throat.

I hitched my breath and glared at him, he folded the knife up, gave me one last look then walked out my front door.

I followed him quickly Seeing Victoria, Stan and Ara looking at him.

"Here" Johnson said throwing the knife at Ara, who had caught it emotionlessly.

He began to walk to his car, "Good day" he smiled at everyone and gave me a devious look which shook me to my core slightly.

"Okay, what the fuck happened" Ara snapped towards me, I wordlessly watched Johnson leave in his car.

I looked down.

"Sid?" Victoria's sweet voice rang through my ears.

'Victoria, please go to your room" I said almost in a whisper but she had heard me.

"Is everything okay?" She asked, "Yes, Vic, I'll be up there to talk to you soon, okay? Let me just talk to Stan and Arabella" I said to her, she nodded then walked up the stairs to our front door and went inside.

"May we come in?" Stan asked, I nodded then turned to go in my home , Ara and Stab followed me.

"Did he leave anything?" Ara asked.

"Just his book, he left it on the table in the kitchen, he said my dad let him in before he left, and I believe it, they are friends, but also why did my dad leave to work so late in the day?" I rolled my eyes.

"he's a business man, he doesn't exactly have a perfect and consistent schedule" Stan piped which made Ara and I look at him funny.

"Right sorry, this is a mystery not a logical conversation" he said which made us role our eyes, laugh and forget about what just happened for a minute, at least.

Hint of Sin (Teacher×Student×Teacher) (Obsessed Teacher Series Book #1) Where stories live. Discover now