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A/N Thanks for the help guys! Now ik what you want and with help from one of my favorite authors I decided this outcome! Enjoy!♡♡


"Hey Jimin, can I talk to you outside?" Yoongi asked putting his chopsticks down.


"Um sure hyung!" Jimin gave Jin a questioning look before following Yoongi to a bus stop in front of the restaurant.

"What's up hyung?" Jimin looked towards Yoongi before sitting down next to him.

"Ok, this might be a lot Jimin, but I'm telling you because I can't stand it anymore and cause we're both adults here." Now Jimin was even more confused, what could he have done to hurt his hyung? He hasn't seen him in like a month anyway due to college, and Jimin hasn't really gone anywhere with anybody for them to tell him something, maybe there was rumor going around?

"Jimin, I can't hold this in anymore." He sighed.

I can't hold this in anymore.

The last time he said that was when he confessed to Jimin 2 years ago. Now, really not knowing what to expect, Jimin got even more worried.

"What do you mean hyung?" Jimin searched Yoongi's eyes for an answer but they just resembled a murky puddle of water. Jimin wanted to explore the puddle to find his answers but knew that he would probably have to dive deep to find them and puddles are usually shallow, so instead of doing that, he just waited for his hyung's next line.

"Jimin, I met someone at college that I think I like, and he might like me back but, I don't know. But I just wanted to tell you."

Jimins POV (1st person)

Wh-what? I wasn't expecting that at all! I thought he might wanna get back together or that I did something wrong, but this is worse than both of those options!

Authors POV

Jimin smiled, turning his eyes into the crescents that everyone seems to love.

"Hyung I think that's great! Go for it!"

"Really?" Yoongi asked, the corners of his mouth turning upward.

"Yes hyung, we didn't work out, and that's okay, so now you should feel free and be able to find someone who works well with you." It pains Jimin to say this, but maybe it's for the best. Maybe if they didn't work out before they wouldn't now, who knows? Maybe Yoongi just isn't the one he's supposed to end up with, but again who knows?(A/N I doooo;))

Besides, Yoongi is human. And it's forbidden to fall in love with humans in the mermaid world, anything could happen. Humans aren't the most trustworthy creatures out there. Jin broke that rule, that's why he's still on land today, he doesn't wanna leave Namjoon.

Plus, maybe this is better. I mean he does have to go back to the sea tomorrow, how would they work anyway? He can't even call from there, how would he hold up a relationship?

"Is he cute?" His fake smile still plastered on his face as they held each other's gazes.

"Yah, Jimin I don't wanna talk about him." A light shade of pink dusted the apples of Yoongi's cheeks, making Jimin force a giggle and say;

"Aww hyung! You must really like him, I'm fine I promise. But I have one condition." He brought up his pointer finger, "YOU LET ME BE YOUR BEST MAN!" Jimin doesn't know how he's holding up so well on the outside, on the inside, he wants to go home, lock himself in his room and cry into his pillow of Big Bang's Taeyang.

Under The Sea//Jikook [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now