s e v e n t e e n

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Ok so imma cut to the chase cuz lots of you will be disappointed but I'm sorry

I'm doing the rewrite

A lot of you wanted me to edit it instead- actually all of you wanted me to edit it

But I just can't see myself writing this anymore

I started this when I was 14, and now I'm 16 so you can probably see why I want to better what I did before

Truth is, this story wouldve gone no where

It wasn't about the story it was about jikook

And now I want to deepen the story of uts and make it what it failed to become 2 years ago

Something that I can really be proud of and enjoy writing again

Now just because I'm saying all this doesn't mean that im not proud of it, it's my first story ofc I love it, and there are some great scenes that I wrote that I'm super proud of

I just want to give it more

And I have the basic plot done already

I have the plot twist in mind ad well

And i have a list of things that I want to improve or change such as;

-How quickly jikook get together

-Jimin adapting to land life

-Jimin in school

-Jimin with friends

-Jimin and yoongs

-Basically Jimin before Jungkook shows up

-and more that I don't want say

Basically, this story will get better I promise that

I'll still leave the og here because I don't want to delete it, but I might take the cover because it's absolutely beautiful and I love it too much to make another xD

Also heads up for drastic changes, I want to make the story way more deep than before

But I was wondering if I should keep the title or not, mostly because most of the story isn't under the sea until the 2nd part but- wHATEVER I'M SAYING TOO MUCH

I hope you're all not TOO disappointed

Afterall, this is a new start and I'm excited to start writing the story, I'll tell you when I upload the first chapter

I love you all♡♡♡♡♡♡

Under The Sea//Jikook [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now