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Yoongi sat at his desk with sheet music all over it. Ever since Hoseok asked him to make a song he couldn't stop writing and rewriting over and over again to make sure it was perfect. He felt honored that Hobi asked him to compose it, he wanted to do his best work yet!

"I think that's it!" Yoongi exclaimed to no one in particular. He took off his headphones and played the song to listen to the whole thing one last time. And he loved it, he took pride in his work, but he needed someone else to hear it. So he called Jimin.


Hey hyung! What's up?!

Nothing much Jimin, I just need you to come over and listen to my song! I think it's one of the best ones I've ever made!

Really hyung?! That's great! I'll be right over!

Great! Oh! And bring your friend Jungkook as well! I need more than one pair of ears to hear it!

Sure hyung! No problem we'll be there in 30 minutes tops! See ya!



35 minutes later, Jimin arrived to Yoongis dorm with Jin instead of Jungkook. When Yoongi answers the door, he's shocked.

"Oh! Hyung! I wasn't expecting you! Come on in guys!"

"Hi Yoongles, Jungkook said he was busy so I brought Jin hyung. It took over 30 minutes because I couldn't find him." Jimin giggled taking off his shoes and plopping onto Yoongis couch.

"Wow ok make yourself at home," Yoongi said sarcastically, "I'll go get my laptop."

Yoongi came back with his laptop and hooked it up to the speakers he has in his living room. The song played, and Jimin and Jin listened closely.

"Wow this is great hyung!"

"Yeah Yoongi, you've got yourself a hit right there! It's really good!"

"Thanks guys, that means a lot. Jimin do you think you guys can dance to this?"

"I'm pretty sure we can come up with something hyung."

"Ok that's good, I was worried you might not be able to dance to this."

"Well figure something out. Now excuse me while I use the bathroom." Jimin got up and walked down the hallway, leaving Yoongi and Jin in the living room alone.

"So Yoongi...who did you write that song about?" Jin asked with a smirk, he knew the answer already, but he wants to hear it from Yoongis mouth himself.

"Uhh..no one!" Yoongi nervously scratched the nape of his neck.

"Ahhh come on Yoongs! You can't just search up love and write about it!" Yoongi stayed silent, contemplating telling Jin or not.

Jin got tired of waiting so he began to hum a little tune he learned in mer school, it makes people tell the truth.

Yoongi was still thinking while he heard Jin humming, he suddenly felt the urge to tell him, so he did. "Fine it's Hobi ok?"

"Yeah I know I just wanted you to say it!" Jin laughed as Jimin re-entered the room.

"What's so funny hyung?" He asked sitting down on the couch once again.

"Oh nothing Jimin, don't worry about it." Jin said reassuringly. "We're just joking around. Hey I don't feel like making lunch so do you guys want to go out to eat?"

Under The Sea//Jikook [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now