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This part is in the present just so you know😊


2 months later

It's been 2 months since Jimin enrolled into college. He's doing well in his classes, getting perfect scores in each. He enjoys all his classes, but dance has to be his favorite. He's never experienced anything like it before, getting to express your emotions through your body with music. Being from the ocean, Jimin has learned to control his body well, which he inputs into his dance.

The thing that he doesn't like about his dance classes is Hoseok.

Don't get the wrong idea, Jimin likes him, but that's the problem.

He likes him.

It's a problem because Hoseok is his competition for Yoongi's heart, which the older probably has right now, but none of them have confessed yet, so Jimin has hope that he can get Yoongi back before either of them make a move.

With these thoughts and having finished his homework, he goes to his room, sits on the bed, and opens his laptop. He clicks on one of his favorite dramas, Hwarang, and begins to rewatch it.


"Ahhh Hansung, noooooo!"

He was at the episode where his favorite character, Hansung, dies. And man it gets him everytime.

The boy was a mess, tears staining his red, blotchy cheeks as he watched Hansung die for the 4th time.

"Ughh," he yelled,"why do I cry everytime?!" Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door.

"Crap!" He whispered.

"Hold on!" He paused his show, and ran to his bathroom, where he splashed water on his face before again running to the living room to open the front door.

Making sure he looked presentable, he walked to the door, opened it, and saw the most handsome face he's ever seen, more handsome than Jin.

And that's saying something.

"Hey hyung, did you miss me?"


Yoongi was sitting in a booth at some random cafe he found near the school, composing a song he's supposed to be working with Namjoon on for their Composing class. They've agreed for him to do the song and for Joon to write the lyrics, though Yoongi being who he is, he'll write some lyrics anyway just for the fun of it, also for some backup just in case.

With his headphones blasting in his ears, he didn't pay attention to his surroundings well. He didn't notice when someone sat across him in the booth until they waved, his eyes faintly catching the movement and he looked up.

"Oh hey Hobi!" He immediately stopped the music and took off his headphones, giving Hoseok his full attention. "What's up?"

"Oh nothing hyung, I just saw you when I walked in and decided to say hi, so hi!" He smiled.

Yoongs chuckled, Hobi joined in.

"So what are you working on hyung?"

"Oh just this project that I'm doing with Joon, wanna hear it?"

Maybe if he listens he'll like my talent and start to like me?

"Sure hyung!" Hobi switched seats to sit next to Yoongi, who might have turned a light shade of pink at the closeness of their bodies as Hobi grabbed the headphones from him and slid them over his head.(they're the headphones that go over your ears not in)

As Hobi listened to the music Yoongi put together, he couldn't help but be amazed, and this only made his liking for the older grow stronger, but he couldn't show it. At least not yet.

"Wow hyung, this is so good." His body naturally swaying to the music.

"Thanks, it isn't much though..." Yoongi suddenly got shy. When it comes to his music, he's either very confident about it or very shy about it, and he's usually only shy when it's in the making process.

"It's still great hyung. Hey, do you think you can compose a song for my dance team to dance to for this huge competition in a few months?" Yoongi was shocked.

"Wh-what? Me? C-compose for you? For a dance competiton?" He blinked about 10 times trying to figure out if this was a dream or not, he realized it wasn't.

"Yeah you hyung. And it'll give us more time to spend together, you know, so we can be friends?"

It hurt Yoongi to hear the word "friends", and it hurt Hobi to say the word, but it was an opportunity for both, and they wanted to take it.

"Yeah, ok sure. I'll do it!" Yoongi nodded, making Hoseok smile.

"Yay! Thanks hyung! I'll tell you when you can start! And you don't need to write lyrics or anything, unless you want to, but we don't need it." Yoongi thought about it. Should he write lyrics for them? No, he decided, I'm gonna write them for Hoseok.


It's short but whatever😂😂

I didn't have much planned for here cuz the next chap is gonna be longgggg and this was just a preview, plus a little sope action y'know?

I changed the cover let me know what you think of it. I'm actually making a lot of covers to see which I like the most so don't get used to this one. Or do idc

Ok byeeeeeeeeee!♡♡♡♡

Under The Sea//Jikook [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now