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"I really like you Jungkook."

"I really like you too, hyung."


The next day, the boys were off, following green shells to find Jimins kingdom. They weren't in a rush, because they knew that as soon as Jimin swam one centimeter onto palace grounds, that they would most likely be split up as Jimin would be taken off to meet his parents.

So there they were, holding hands while following the path of shells to home.

After about 3 more hours of swimming, the trail of shells ended. The mer were stationed in front of a hill, a hill that both recognized as the gate to the Kingdom of Azharei. (AZZ-er-eye)

Jimin nervously turned to the younger, who was also showing signs of nervousness. Jungkook looked around the hill in search of a blue conch shell, but not just any shell, the shell that, when spoken into only by the prince, would signal to the kingdom that he had arrived.

"Go on," Jungkook said as he slightly pushed Jimin ahead of him, knowing what he had to do. "Use the shell."

Jimin picked up the said shell, and looked up to Jungkook one more time. Jungkook sensed his nervousness and pulled the elders hand up to his lips, softly kissing it to reassure the elder that he'd be okay.

After taking a deep breath, Jimin blew into the shell, but nothing happened. They both looked around and at one another before Jungkook encouraged the older to do it again, so he did.

The second time, a deep, rich, sound erupted from within the kingdom as the gates opened. The sounds of horns could be heard in the background as a school of merpeople came rushing through the gates to meet their prince, who they haven't seen for 4 years.

A group of mermaids surrounded the boys, worrying Jungkook, so he got in front of Jimin for protection. And as the group was closing in on them, the heard the sound of the horn that signalled that the royal family was near.

"Here yee here yee, I present to you, King Eric and Queen Ariella of the Kingdom of Azharei." The royal messenger enunciated.

The crowd broke away, leaving Jimin and Jungkook in the middle as the king and queen swim past all the mer, rushing to their son. They stayed suspended in the water as they took in the looks of their son, oh how he has matured.

Ariella was the first to hug the boy, and Jimin quickly reciprocated, hugging his mother with all that he has. Eric wrapped his own arms around his wife and child with a smile as joy rushed through his whole body.

"Jimin, oh my, you're so handsome." Ariella teared up just looking at her son. "Eric, we made this!" She cried. She pulled Jimin into another hug as she cried, her tears triggering Jimins as he felt the hole in his heart that Jin couldn't completely fill, start to become whole again.

The two cried on eachother's shoulders before Eric joined in the hug, embracing his family with his strong arms while trying to hold in his tears.

The mer of Azharei rejoiced at the return of their prince. They celebrated traditionally with music and songs. The mer sing a song together to welcome back a member of the royal family whenever they have a quest.

While the celebration was happening, Jungkook stood off to the side, awkwardly waiting for the hug to be over so he could join Jimin again and greet the said male's parents. And thats just what he did when he saw them breaking up.

He swam up to Jimin and tapped the older male's shoulder, he turned and smiled at the younger before turning to his parents.

"You guys remember Jungkook right?" He asked while pulling the younger forward.

"Oh yes, how could we forget? Hello Jungkook. Welcome back and thank you for delivering Jimin here safely." Eric held his hand out to the boy, Jungkook shook his hand strongly which impressed the king.

"Its my pleasure, sir."

"Oh wow, you've got a strong grip there, son. Come sit with us for dinner tonight at Jimins welcome home party." He invited.

"Ok, thank you! I'd love to sit with you guys, you're like family." The boy spoke again.

"Speaking of family, why don't you bring yours as well, we haven't seen them in a long time."

"Umm....about that..." He mumbled.

"Everyone! Later today, when the sun starts to set, come on into the palace for our Prince's welcome home celebration!" The crowd cheered, and as the royal family started swimming inside the gates, the people went as well. All except one.

A male mer with brown wavy hair, dark blue scales, and spiral tattoos around his arm watched the excited school of mer rush to their homes to prepare themselves for the party.

So Jimins back, huh? He sighed. He wasn't prepared to face the elder yet. It's been 4 years, but it didn't give the boy time to think about what to say when his friend came back. Are we still friends? Its been 4 years, people change.

Heck, he himself has changed and he knows that. What if Jimin doesn't like how he is now? He's pretty different than how he was 4 years, physically, and mentally. What if Jimin doesn't like what he's turned into? Other people fear him, will he scare his former friend as well?

There's only one way to find out. And that's by confronting him at the party.


Jimin was following his parents swimming through the corridors oc the palace and dragging Jungkook along behind him as they went. He admits, it all looks pretty much the same as before he'd left. The pillars holding up the palace are still made of beautiful white sandstone, the hallways are still long, the servants are still mostly the same servants. Jimin loves the feeling of being back home.

Once they reached the throne room, his parents sat down in their rightful places before speaking.

"Jimin, we're so glad to have you back and we can't wait for the next few years." His father said.

"Yes! And we could start planning your coronation! Ah! I'm so excited!" Ariel exclaimed.

"As am I, mother." He agreed. "But I have a question," he looked over to Jungkook before continuing. "Jungkook doesn't have anywhere to go. And he comes from a family of nobles. Can he stay at the palace?"

"No where to go? What has become of your father, son?" The king asked.

"Um...I don't know. He left me weeks before I offered to go retrieve Jimin. I have no idea of his whereabouts." He said with disappointed tone. The royal couple could hear the sadness in his voice while talking about his father.

"And you don't think you could live on your own?" The queen asked the sad boy.

"Mother, he's only 16, he can't even get a job. How would he survive alone?" Jimin intervened. The couple stared at eachother and started to speak in hushed whispers.

After whispering with each other, the couple turned to a servant floating near the door of the throne room.

"Yugyeom!" The said male swam over quickly.

"Yes Your Magesties?" He answered.

"Prepare Sir Jungkook a room. He's going to live here from now on. But not now, we still have a party to throw." The king turned to Jungkook. "Son, you sleep in Jimins room tonight and tomorrow you'll have your own. You will be treated almost exactly like Jimin is, ok?" The boy nodded and thanked the couple graciously.

"No need for a thank you, you're our friend's son. Now, go get ready for the celebration you two. Jimin, the servants should be in your room waiting for you to be able to help you dress. As for Jungkook, just tell them to get him fitted as well."

"I will. Thank you, Father." Jimin bowed before dragging Jungkook out of the throne room and to his own, which was a ways down the corridor and up 3 floors.

As soon as they got to the room, Jimin told the servants of his father's requests. They welcomed him home and he thanked them before they all got ready for the party that was going to be the best of the year.


1389 words

Under The Sea//Jikook [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now