Ch. 25 : Am I being punked?

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Before I start the chapter, I wanted to mention something. I've cast Abigail Breslin and Luke Hemmings as Nova and Alex. Now I know that Luke Hemmings is blonde, but I changed it. And I think they suit the characters.

Also, you MUST listen to the song to the right while reading this chapter!!! (She looks so perfect by 5SOS)

Read on!


Riley's POV:

"Riley?" I heard mom say as she knocked on my door. I took out my earbuds and walked over and opened the door.

"Aiden's here. You want me to send him up?" She said

"Yeah, that's fine." I said going back into my room, sitting back on my bed, going back to my book, The Fault In Our Stars by John Green.

Aiden walked in my room, he looked nervous.

"Hey babe, whats up?" I asked, putting down my book and walking over to him and hugging him.

"Riley, can I tell you something?" 

I started to get a bit worried, he never acted this way.

"Sure, what's wrong?" I said sitting on my bed as he paced back in fourth in my room.

"There's no easy way to say this." He said, still pacing.

"Babe, just spit it out." I said smiling, reasuring my faith in him.

He got on his knees and held my hands in his.

"I- I. I'm gay."

I just sat there in silence. Trying process this.

I laughed. "Sorry, what?"

"Riley, I'm gay."

I sat there, just staring at him. I suddenly started cracking up.

"This is a joke right? Am I being punked? Like is Miley Cyrus gonna bust out of my closet or something like that?" I said, still laughing. 

"Babe, I'm being serious." He said in a tone I've only heard a couple times.

I stared into the oblivion of my room, my boyfriend of almost eleven months just popped the lock on the closet.

I just now started to realize. His music taste, his Kellin Quinn and Ronnie Radke posters, his weird all made sense.

"Okay." I said as calmly as I could.

"Okay? You're ok with this?" 

"I'm fine. But I swear, if you ask out Ryder, I will hurt you."

He started laughing and sat down on the bed with me. "No, He's my bro, I don't like him that way."


Nova's POV

Riley suddenly busted through my door and walked in my room and sat down on my chair, leaning her head against her hand.

"Hey what's up?" I said, still sitting on my bed, watching TV.

"Me and Aiden broke up."

That got my attention quicker than anything Sheldon Cooper said, so I immediatly shut off the TV and walked over to her. "What? Why? How? When?" I said sitting on the ground in front of the chair.

"He, he. He's gay. My boyfriend's gay. Like how exactly? I mean seriously? Like what-"

"I kinda figured." I said slowly.

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