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Y/N's POV:

The sun shone through my windows as my alarm rang for the six millionth time.  The rays of sun forming a frame around the edges of my bed. Sighing in annoyance, I rolled off my bed, silencing my alarm and decided that it was time to be productive. I stretched out my arms letting out a loud yawn. A happy buzz flowed through my mind as walked out of my room . Guess I woke up in the right side of the bed. Either that or I didn't look entirely like a scarecrow this morning. Let's skip most of the boring parts of the morning and move on. As I checked the time, I slightly panicked, and mentally scolded myself for not waking up on the first alarm, I grabbed my keys and ran to my car.

Once I reached work, I got out of my car and began to speed walk toward the makeup room to get everything ready. I'm pretty sure I looked like an idiot, but that didn't stop me from swaying my hips abruptly and walking through the set like one of those cool gangsta grandma speed walkers. The set was already packed and I needed to get to work as soon as possible. But you know, work don't start till I get there. *hair flips*

While I was walking I saw some of my friends, I wave a hello to them but my feet freeze in place when my eyes land on a certain couple. Tom and Brittany making out in the middle of my path, I  look away quickly before they see me and try to dodge them. I attempted to make it seem normal. Me being a pretty awkward person in general, probably looked like a drugged chicken. But that's far from the point.

I started to setting up all the makeup, but my mind was distracted by what I just saw. But every time you tried to forget, you would see it play through your mind. It was quite disgusting actually, Brittany had her tongue all the way down Tom's throat and you don't even want to know what her hands were doing.


I thought someone had called my name, but I dismissed it and allowed my thoughts to wander once again.


This time, I knew it wasn't the voice in my head, I snapped out of my little day dream, realising Zendaya was at the door.

"Hey Zee, how can I help you?" I said, smiling.

"I just need a room that blocks out the noises, you know" She says nodding her head towards Tom and Brittany while she rolled her eyes.

I pretended to gag and she laughed. Not long after, Harrison and Jacob joined Zendaya and myself in the small makeup room. They both joined in on the rant about Tom, we were all laughing and joking around until our stomach's started to hurt.

Foot steps began to approach the room so my glanced over to the doorway. Then Tom walked in...

Oh shit I thought to myself.

a/n: DUN DUN DUUUUUUN. I know it's stupid now, but it will get better I pwomise. maybe.

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