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He starts by saying "Y/N I think I need to get straight to the point. I'm sure you already hate me but it's worth a try."

I nodded slowly. He continues " I know this will sound weird and we are the only ones out here."

"I know..." I say.

"And my girlfriend is right there staring through the glass at us" he states.

I slowly glance back at the house to see two of Brittany's fiery eyes glaring at me, I look away quickly.

"And I'm sorry if I have ever hurt you in the past," he says.

This left me in shock, all he has ever done is snap at me and disrespect me and now he's saying sorry.

I shook the thought out of my head and said "Will you please get to the point?!"

He looks at me and smiles, I tried to read his smile but it wasn't possible Is it sarcastic or genuine?!

And then he says something that left me paralysed for a few seconds.

He said "I really really like you."

When he said it he was looking at the ground. I was beyond confused. Was this all a joke? Or was it real?

No it couldn't be real. But for the first time in my entire life I saw him drained of his confidence. I just couldn't process it, and yes I was falling for him, but obviously I would never admit it. I blame the stubbornness my mother has given to me.

But I couldn't fall for him! He's Tom Holland and I'm just me.

By that time I had convinced myself that he was useless and would just use me and then throw me away. But now I saw a different side of him, a weaker and vulnerable side, his soft side.

And then I  did what every normal person would do. I pushed him into the pool.

a/n all us normal people would push him into the pool,,,


just me?



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