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I run as fast as I could towards the bathrooms. Once I get in, I slam the door shut and just break down. Memories of that one night flood through my brain. Brittany wasn't going to stop, I didn't even know why she hated me so much! But the tears kept flowing.

I didn't entirely know why i was crying, maybe because it had all become too much.

Or maybe because Tom took back that he loved me.

Or maybe the thought that if two mind readers read each other's mind, who's mind are they reading.

I just didn't know.

After a while I stopped crying and I decided to clean yourself up. After I was ready you exited the bathroom and went back to work. I still looked like a ugly raccoon.

I saw Brittany at times but decided to ignore her. Soon the day was over and I headed home. It was Friday so I was excited to just relax over the weekend. Finally all problems will disappear because I do not care anymore.

Once i reached my house I changed into something comfortable and decided to watch some movies. Before I did that a notification appeared on my screen from Tom.

I internally rolled my eyes.

Wait why internally?

I externally rolled my eyes.


I just rolled my eyes.

I opened my phone to read it :


-> Well done you avoided Tom for the day.

Well done my ass. 

I texted back saying

You- how do u have Tom's phone?

-> Don't ask stupid questions, focus on keeping your family and friends safe.

This left me speechless.

I mean I wasn't speaking before but now I no longer could speak even if I wanted to.

What had I ever done to her? I don't even know why she was threatening me.

a/n so emotional *rolls eyes*

I swear I am ruining my own book omg

I swear I am ruining my own book omg

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