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I woke up in a rather happy mood. I got up to eat some breakfast. But not long after I finish eating, i heard a knock on the door. Still wearing my pyjamas i open the door, to my surprise (and my safety) it was Tom.

He gave a little wave to me and i smiled a little.

I welcomed him in, right now I had thoroughly mixed emotions about Tom. But he was at my front door so I couldn't kick him out now, right?

"Could I hang out over here for a while? Maybe we could just watch some movies and eat popcorn." He said with a goofy grin on his face.

I felt like relaxing today so i nodded and returned him with the goofy smile.

I made some popcorn while he made himself comfortable on the couch. As soon as I started watching the movies I felt like I was having a lot more fun than expected, laughing and joking with Tom. I had never really seen this side of Tom but it was great.

After the movie marathon he decided he had to go home. So he said goodbye and i walked him home because it wasn't that far away from where I  were staying.

I still wondered how he knew where i lived but I forgot to ask him. It was dark so I looked for some food in me fridge. I ate some dinner and played with Luna. Again, i heard a knock on the door, i wondered who would come to my place this late at night. So I approached my door and opened it. U was left completely and utterly heart broken if what and who was standing in front of me.

a/n sUspense...

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