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We both sit down on my bed, and I start to tell her everything. Right now she was the only person around that I could fully trust. I tell her about Tom and all the things that happened between us.

Zendaya and I laughed a lot and shared stories the whole night.

Soon we both drifted off into a deep sleep. We woke up to the smell of pancakes, quickly I hoped out of bed and went to the kitchen.

Tom and Harrison were making breakfast, "Awww you guys look like a cute old married couple!" I said, poking Tom's arm.

Tom sent me a playful glare and turned around to wrap his arms around my waist.

Then Zendaya got up too, once the pancakes were ready you sat down and ate them.

After that, Tom decided it would be fun to go to the pool he found out about. We all agreed and got ready. We put on your swimwear and packed some towels and other things. Once everyone was ready we got into my car and drove to the destination.

In the car, we were all singing along to the radio. More yelling than singing but I was having so much fun around the people I love. Zendaya was Snapchatting everything while Tom and Harrison were dancing and singing to the music. My eyes were only on Tom, everyone else was a blur

Once we got there, we all were pretty hyped. Everyone jumped into the pool except me, I went and sat down on one of the deck chairs. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Instagram.

I couldn't help but sneak glances at a shirtless Tom. I was so tempted to walk up to him and wrap my arms around him.

"Tom, your girlfriend won't come into the water!" Harrison yelled.

I looked up in confusion. With a glare and a raised eyebrow i looked at Harrison.

"Girlfriend?" I asked.

And then I saw Harrison's face red with embarrassment. I looked over to Tom who was staring angrily at Harrison.

Tom stepped out of the pool and approached me and started  "Well umm, I was... um I was thinking to ask you to um.. to be my girlfriend but that surprise is no longer a surprise." He paused and then continued

"Thanks to this idiot, but um would you be my girlfriend?" He said looking up to me with his sweet puppy-dog eyes.

It took me a little time to make my decision but I said...

a/n what if she said no *laughs like a maniac*

a/n what if she said no *laughs like a maniac*

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