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I look to see the time is 6:00 so I started to get ready. I knew that if I wasn't there Zendaya would personally find me and kill me. I quickly have a shower and then get dressed. I put on a dark blue skin-tight dress with some dark blue heels. I applied some light makeup and straightened my hair.

I got into my car and drove to Zendaya's house. I was still pissed because Tom was so moody all the time. But I decided that I wouldn't let it bother me, especially tonight.

I stepped out of the car and knocked on Zendaya's door. She opened it and basically screamed "DAMN GURL YOU LOOKING AMAZING!"

You slightly blush while you look down at the floor. "Z you are about to make my ears burst."

"Come on in girl!" She says with a smile.

I walk in only to turn more heads, but the only eyes I felt were Tom's. It felt like they were burning holes through my back. I glance over at him while Brittany tries to distract him from me. Brittany was jealous, I let out a little laugh at the thought, Brittany was actually jealous. Of me!

I smiled to myself and headed over to Harrison and Laura. Everyone greeted me and I realised I was having a great time.

Not long after, Tom approached me, a feeling in the pit of my stomach appears. 

He looked me up and down and stuttered "um, you look... um, pretty... no I, um... I mean, you look... beautiful," he says while blushing.

My eyes widened in suprise, maybe he was just saying this. It meant nothing. Right?

But my stupid mind couldn't help but cause me to blush. I quickly averted my eyes to elsewhere. 

But it didn't take me long to remember that I promise myself  to not bother with him. I tried to walk away, but a soft hand clasped onto my wrist.

"Um, Y/N can we... maybe, um... talk outside.... um, please," he whispers to you.

I look at him in confusion. What was he planning?

"Why?" I asked suspiciously.

"Just... please" he says.

I nodded slightly and a grin took over Tom's face. I looked over at Zendaya but she was busy with some other friends. I internally groaned.

I followed Tom as he walks to the backyard, I stood near the pool and waited for him to talk. I crossed my arms and impatiently tapped my foot.

a/n *tap tap tap*

m00d ;

m00d ;

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