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I stand up and look at him, I smile and say "of course, of course I will be your girlfriend."

And then he kisses me, I melt in his arm as they wrap around my waist. I wasn't expecting that but I liked it so i didn't pull away. Eventually we both pulled away and it became a hug. My face against his chest, listening to the sound of this heart. I savoured the moment.

"Now, it's about time you get into the pool," he said.

I looked up at him in fake horror, shaking my head slowly.

"No please no!" I pleaded.

He picked me up and walked into the pool with me. "I hate you." You said gently hitting your fist against his chest. A grin still wide across my face.

"I know you love me." He said smirking at me. I kissed him again but this time I heard a click.

I pulled away and looked to the side to see Brittany with a camera. "I will expose you, if I don't get Tom back!" She screeched.

I looked over to Tom and shock filled his eyes. And then Brittany left, her heels clicking and her hips swaying.

We got out of the pool and grabbed a towel.

"Can we leave now?" I asked them.

They all nodded. We got changed and headed back to my car.


I was scared, i just had a nightmare about Brittany hurting Tom. I loved Tom, I really did. I didn't want to let anything get in between our relationship. Tom came into my room and rested his head beside mine.

"I don't want to lose you." I whispered to him.

"You won't lose me. I love you and care for you. I'm not letting anyone seperate us." He said kissing your forehead.

"Who cares if the pictures get out? They're gonna find out some time soon anyway." Tom said moving a stand of hair from my face.

"Yeah that's true but what if I'm just not ready to tell the media." I say to him softly.

"I love you and whatever happens I will be here for you." Tom whispers.

Zendaya ran into the room and screamed "HEY YALL!" as she jumped onto the bed.

"Third wheeler." You whispered to Tom and he chuckled.

"Third wheeler?!" Zendaya screamed.

She held her hand to her chest and said "I am very offended. Now I will go and find myself a boyfriend."

Tom and I both laughed so hard as she left stomping her feet.

a/n i love Zendaya with all of my tiny heart

comment and vote and I shall love you forever

comment and vote and I shall love you forever

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