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Not long after it was time for me to go to work. So I changed and ate some breakfast, grabbed my stuff and went to my car.

But as I walked out of my house I saw Tom in the house a few metres away from mine, i rushed to my car and basically locked myself in until it was clear to move.

While driving to work, the thoughts still terrorised me, Brittany made me feel weak and the best feeling was seeing her jealous. But now she made me feel weak all over again. My mind was filled with thoughts about what she would do.

Once i arrived at work, I got out and saw Brittany standing with Tom. I tried to avoid all eye contact but Tom saw me and jogged over.

"Hey Y/N, I'm sorry," he said.

"Sorry about what?" I said trying to cover the fact that I was so miserable just a few hours ago.

"You know, yesterday's incident. And just to clarify I was joking when I said I loved you." He said with a grin.

"Yeah, of course you were joking." I said faking a laugh. I could feel my face just drop.

I turned around to walk away but then Brittany appeared, "Y/N! I need to talk to you for a few seconds!" She said with the most fake smile you had ever seen.

"Um, sure," you said trying to smile.

She pulled me into a corner and whispered "I was not joking when I said I would hurt you and everything you love!" I nodded slowly. And turned around to walk away.

Once I had set up my work space, Tom walked in with Brittany clinging to him. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Soon Brittany left because she has "better things to do" but while walking out she mouthes the words

"if you do anything, I WILL HURT YOU."

Being quite an emotional person, my eyes start to burn and tears form at the brims of my eyes. I try to blink away the tear but they keep threatening to fall.

Tom notices and says "Y/N are you okay?"

I look over to him and then to the ground "yeah it's just hay fever or something," my voice slightly cracks while I said this. "I'm just going to go to the bathroom, um... see you later."

I walk out of the room just before tears start falling like a river.

a/n you should be applauded for making it this far into the book *clap clap clap*

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