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Brittany was on top of Tom. My eyes widened in fear and I stepped back out of the room. Thoughts flooded my head.

What if Y/N was here?

She would have broke down. She doesn't deserve this.

Do I tell her? Tom is my best friend what the hell do I do?!

I was so frustrated. I should have gone after him when he kept drinking, I should have stopped him. I don't know what to do, I couldn't yell at Tom, because so much of this was my fault. But Brittany, Brittany kept staring at me with a smirk on her face.

Does she that I like Y/N? I can't tear apart my best friend and his girlfriend but he just cheated on her. What do I do, I thought to myself...


Back at my house, Zendaya and I had fallen asleep. I had just woke up with a shudder. Tom still wasn't home. What if something happened to him and Harrison? I got up to get some water but just as you do the door opens. I look over to see a stumbling Tom at the door.

Harrison looked very pale and Tom, Tom was just drunk. "Harrison are you alright?" I ask.

"Um yeah... I just have to tell you something... um tomorrow ." He says quietly.

"Do you want to stay over, you look a little pale." I say.

"Umm yes please, I'm alright though..." He replies shakily. He looked like he had just seen a ghost or something.

Tom opened his eyes, he walked over to you and floppily wrapped his arms around your shoulders.

"Y/N I feeel tiiired and I did some-something baaddd" I hug him back and take him to bed.

"It's okay, get some rest now." I say.

"Wait, I-I got you somethinggg it's a pendaantt. It's beautifuull likkke youu." Tom says.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his childishness.

"Thank you very much Tom." I say. I put the pendant on you side table.

I laid next to him and tried to fall asleep again. But the only thought that circled through my mind was what Harrison wanted to tell me. Hopefully it wasn't bad... but he did look very pale.

a/n wassupppp

me @ y'all;

me @ y'all;

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