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It has been a good three months with Tom. Tonight he was going out with Harrison and Zendaya was coming over to hang out with me.

"See you Y/N" Tom said kissing me.

"Stay safe Tom." I say.

He leaves and then I take out my phone to wait till Zendaya arrived. Not long after i heard a knock on the door. I get up to answer the door.

"HEY Y/N I BOUGHT ICE CREAM!!" Zendaya excitedly yells.

I laugh and close the door behind her.

We get comfortable on the couch and start the planned out Movie Marathon. We watch many movies, some funny and some sad. We laugh together and cry together. I was so happy.


Tom and I headed to a party of a friend of mine. We entered the party and Tom went to talk to some friends. Not long after Tom was drinking. Like drinking a lot.

"Hey mate, you should stop drinking now." I say.

"No no i-I'm alll goood" Tom slurs. I didn't know what to do but Tom just left me. I shrugged it off.

*A few hours later*

It was getting late and I had to drop Tom of at his place. I needed to find him first. I looked in all the rooms downstairs so I headed upstairs. I started to panic because Tom wasn't in the first few rooms.

I opened the last door, Tom was there alright but I wasn't relieved, I was in shock.


a/n so much yelling all the time

a/n so much yelling all the time

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