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But I didn't care.

I mean I still wanted chicken nuggets, but Tom tasted better.

Wait what?

I had longed for this kiss. Tom was the person I really loved.

After a while we both pulled away, gasping for air.

I rested my head on his chest.

"Whose wrapped around whose finger now?" He asked with a smirk.

I playfully pushed him and rolled my eyes.

"Hmm let me think about it?" I said placing my finger on my chin.

"You are still wrapped around mine!" I said with a huge grin poking my finger into his chest.

I realised i was still only wearing the towel that was wrapped around me so i shoved Tom out the door.

"GET OUT!" I screamed.

"Ugh girls are so moody" he said rolling his eyes not leaving my hand.

I laughed and shook my hand few from his hold, then I slammed the door shut.

"I'm waiting for you outside though." He said from behind the door.

"Waiting for what?" I asked already knowing his answer.

"You know what" he teased, I could sense the smirk evident on his face.

"No I'm kidding, I'm taking you out." He said.

I felt that he was now smiling, as if he could see the shock on my face.

"What? Why?" I asked quickly putting on a shirt.
M"Just because" he simply replied.

"Because what??" I demanded.

"Because I love you" He said and then I heard his foot steps began to walk away.

A smile appeared on my face you pulled up my pants and ran out the bathroom door.

"Did you just say you love me?" I asked a laugh escaping my lips. He looked at me for a while, studying my appearance and then said "yes yes I do love you."

He pulled me closer and passionately kissed me. I gave in and kissed back. I knew it was had only been a few weeks but I really did love him. No matter what he did to you.

I pulled away and a sad look appeared on his face.

"Awwww don't worry I love you too! I'm going to get ready now! You said you were gonna take me out right?" I asked in a baby voice, with a grin on my face.

His face lit up.

"Yes yes." He said laughing. I pecked his cheek quickly and left to get ready.

I did my hair and makeup. I walked out of my bedroom and Tom grabbed my hand and pulled me to the front door. But someone stood there...

a/n when have I ever allowed the characters to just enjoy life?

a/n when have I ever allowed the characters to just enjoy life?

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