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Everyone went silent as I glanced over to Tom. He stood shamelessly with his hair all over the place and lipstick stains all over him. He offered a smile to everyone but me. A small frown appears on my face but I quickly compose myself. What was I expecting from him? A hug? Not even I can kid myself. 

But no one returned his smile because of the conversation that was happening two seconds ago about him. So he just sat down very confused and huffed.

"Clean me up already." He said rudely.

I rolled my eyes towards the group and walked over to him to begin working.  Everyone else awkwardly stood up, offering me small but warm smiles. 

"See ya later Y/N," Harrison called out.

I gave him a somewhat weak smile and a slight wave as they left and I continued to do my job in silence.

"What's up with them." Tom whispered under his breath. Whatever he said seemed directed to me.

At first, I didn't make out what he mumbled so I said: "Sorry what?"

And he replied by snapping "Just shut up and do your job!"

I glared at him in disbelief for a second, without him being able to see of course,  but just continued my job. His usual snarky comments didn't and wouldn't affect me anymore.

After I had "clean him up", I said, "Alright you're done."

Tom didn't even acknowledge me, he just left. Without saying a thing. Not even a thank you. I shouldn't even expect anything from that man. 

To distract myself I got out my phone and look through the messages I received.

I opened Zendaya's text.


-> Heyyy Y/N. I was wondering if you wanna join us for a party later tonight. Tom will be there but don't worry I will protect you *muah*. Please be there! I need you. Love youuu

You- Umm I will try to make it but you know I have work stuff to finish.

-> We both know that's a lie and there's only one reason you won't come.

You- Zendaya don't be like that, I really do have stuff to do.

-> PLLEEEAAAASSSSEEEEE COOOOMMME Y/N!!! I will love you forever and ever and ever.

You- Okay I will be there. But if I can't make it, I will text you.


a/n maybe it doesn't get better as I promised in the last chapter. But I hope you keep reading because you are amazing ;)

go follow my instagram @tiny_spider_tom if you wanna see tom and marvel content. 


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