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When I opened the front door Harrison stood in front of us. I stumbled a couple of steps back.

"Wow its amazing to see you happy." He said quietly with a small smile.

I lifted my eyebrow at what Harrison just said. Tom straightened up and walked over to Harrison. I ran up to him and pulled him back, already knowing what he was gonna do.

Give him a friendly hug obviously!!

Tom was so protective over me and it made me so happy. I snapped out of that thought. It was gonna turn into a WWE fight and here I was thinking about how cute Tom is.

"Tom calm down" I whispered into his ear. He looked over at me and his face relaxed, he unclenched his fists. I took his hand.

"What do you want Harrison?" I demanded.

"Um I wanted to apologise. And explain." He said quietly.

Tom looked at me worried. I glanced over to him and nodded to reassure him that everything would be fine. He gave my hand a little squeeze. I gladly returned the small gesture.

I moved away from the door way, making way for Harrison to enter and we walked to the living room. I sat down and waited for him to talk.

"First I just wanna day that both of you don't deserve any of this. If it was in my place I would definitely have taken away what you have been through. You don't have to forgive me for what happened but if you do I will greatly appreciate it." He said.

I gave him a small smile before he continued.

"Um so what happened was... when Y/N was with me, I had gone out a few days before the break up for groceries. This is where Brittany had captured me... she had told me that if I don't break up with you in a few days she would not only hurt you but all my friends and family. This would be literal torture and I couldn't see you hurt how Zendaya and Tom already had been. I did it all to protect you. So I started to ignore you. I really wanted to tell you but Brittany had eyes everywhere. It would risk your life. So eventually you knew you had to break up with me. You did. My reaction was an act. I really just wanted you to be happy because I care about you so damn much! And the cheating picture... I was forced to" He said sadly.

a/n to all y'all hating on my bby Harrison

a/n to all y'all hating on my bby Harrison

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