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Tom holds open the car door for me, I giggle a little and step into the car. He gets into the car and turns up the music. We both sing along while he drives to the "surprise" restaurant.Once we get there, he again takes me by the hand and says "Close your eyes."

So I close your eyes. "Open them." He says.

I slowly open my eyes like he says and in front of me is a very expensive restaurant by the sea. "Tom you really didn't have to bring me here." I tell him, he just smiles and shrugs at you. Before dinner, you both decide to take a walk along the beach.

While walking I just talk with Tom. It felt so good to finally just talk with someone without drama following me like a cloud. And Tom was  amazing, he listened when he had to and talked when he had to. After a while, Tom decides it was time for dinner. So we both head into the restaurant.

I order and talk a lot as we wait for the food. Once your food arrives i start to eat but from the corner of my eyes I see something. I look up and there was the last two people I wanted to see. Brittany and my ex just entered the same restaurant holding hands and making out while walking.

God what an ugly sight.

I was almost about to gag and my face turned pale.

"Y/N are you okay? You're looking a bit pale. " Tom said.

I gave him a weak smile and then he saw what I was looking at. He knew Brittany but he didn't know Liam, my ex.

"Um can we leave now Tom? I'm really sorry, I just feel sick." I say. He gives me a knowing look and nods.

We both pay the bill as I insisted, and get up to walk out. Just when I hear Brittany's annoying voice "Oh My God Tom what a coincidence!"

Tom and I slowly turned around and put on a fake smile. "Yeah what a coincidence." Tom mutters.

"Hey Y/N." Liam says.

Holding my anger in, you managed to fake smile and say "hello," through gritted teeth.

"Have you told Tom who I am?" Liam said with a smirk on his face.

I looked over to Tom, who was in complete state of confusion. "Um Tom this is um Liam..." you start. "... my ex."

"Oh." Tom says, his eyes widening. He grabs my hand and holds it, i instantly felt comfort from this awkward situation.

"Um we will just leave now." Tom says.

"NO! What's the rush?" Brittany hisses.

"I think we should go too." I say.

Brittany turns around grabs a wine glass and before I could move she throws it on my white dress. I was in complete shock and Tom yelled "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

a/n y'all should know I larb drama

*giggle giggle*

*giggle giggle*

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