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The next day I had work again, I dragged myself out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.

By saying 'made my way' I mean I rolled of the bed and continued to roll all the way to the bathroom hitting my head multiple times during the process.

I had nearly convinced myself that staying in bed all day was my best option, but that stupid tiny angel on my right shoulder told me otherwise. Once I was ready, which took a good 4 hours, i drove to work. I got out of my car and walked to the makeup department. My mind wandered and I allowed it to, I forced my mind to shut up when I started to thinking if the 's' or the 'c' was the silent letter in the word scent.

But of course to start my day with a dose of happiness, I saw Tom and Brittany on the way. Brittany was all over Tom. It was pretty disgusting yet I felt a pang if pain inside my chest. But Tom was not mine anymore, so I couldn't let these things bother me.

I just couldn't.

I walked a little faster til I saw Harrison offering me a smile, i gave him a somewhat confident yet shaky smile. I kept walking and didn't turn back, I could feel eyes burning into my back. Maybe these people saw what happened yesterday. But I had to ignore them, I was at work and I couldn't afford anymore distractions.

Not long after Tom walked in, there was an awkward silence between us, I missed the comfortable silence that used to happen.

But it wasn't silent for long. Until of course, Brittany walked in.

"Hi Baby!" She screeched like a dying bird. Oh how I wished I could kill that dying bird. Wait what?

However I paid no attention to her, i just continued to do my job.

"So Y/N better not try to steal my man again!" She said with the most fake laugh I had ever heard.

I fake laughed with her but didn't look up. I could see Tom was really uncomfortable in this situation. But he deserved this awkward situation, this was his fault.

"Yeah you are done" you say.

"Thank you" he says nearly inaudible.

"Your welcome" i say quietly. And then he left.

I wanted to hug him, to kiss him, to tell him that everything was okay. But i couldn't. Ugh this hurts.

Once the day was coming it an end I headed back home. I caught a glimpse of Tom. But looked away. I decided I would stay home tomorrow. Emotions are hard to deal with.

a/n you got that right y/n!

a/n you got that right y/n!

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