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I slapped Tom.

I slapped him.

I hurt him.
Physically and mentally.

I wanted to kill myself.

Sadness filled his whole face, i was taken back by my own actions. I was so harsh on him.

A small "im sorry" was the last thing I  heard from Tom.

I walked past him, to my car and slammed the door behind me. I was filled with anger and sadness. A tear rolled down my cheek. There was a knock at the car window. I slowly looked up, wiping away a few straying tears, to see Zendaya standing outside.

I gave her an unconvincing smile, but obviously she didn't buy it.

I opened the door and let her in. She sat down in the passenger seat and reached over to hug me. I began to cry and she held me tighter. I didn't care if Brittany or Tom saw me. I just needed to get everything out of my system.

And Zendaya was the best, she held me close to her and was very patient. Soon i stopped crying to look up and see Tom with dark eye bags and puffy eyes. I looked away.

"Do you want to come home? I wouldn't mind some girl time. " I asked Zendaya while a small smile crept onto my face.

"Yep sure. We should eat ice creams and watch movies!" She clapped her hands on excitement.

I stopped by the corner shop to buy the ice cream tubs. Once we reached home, I  took off my makeup which was now very messed up. I tied my hair into a bun and put on something comfortable. Zendaya and I began watching some movies. Mostly rom-coms. Some super sad ones too.

I was finally happy today but not for long because there was a knock on the door.

a/n there is always a knock on the door. anyway thank you for voting and commenting, it means the world to me :)

 anyway thank you for voting and commenting, it means the world to me :)

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