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"Tom, you're staying over right?" I ask.

"Yes please," he says with a little nod.

"Alright you can have my bed and I will take the couch." I say to him.

He looks over to me nervously and says
"Umm, can you stay with me?"

I looked over at him to check if he was serious or not, he looked pretty genuine. So I said wiggling my eyebrows "Yeah sure but no funny business."

"Yes of course!" He exclaimed.

So I got ready to sleep and then Tom did something I didn't expect, he took off his shirt. That left me pretty speechless for a minute.

Then i said "um... if yo-u, are umm... going to um... sleep here, you should um... put a shirt um... like on your uh body."

He gave mr a little smirk and he was quite surprised at how stunned i was, so he said "I always sleep with my shirt off, but only because you can't keep your eyes off me, I will put a shirt on," he said with a wink.

I rolled your eyes but couldn't hold back the smile that beamed like the sun. Once we were both ready, we went to bed. Not long after i fell deep into sleep.

*The Next Day*

I woke up to see Tom's arm wrapped around my waist and his head resting on my chest. I slightly moved hoping you wouldn't wake him up but he woke up and saw how he was positioned. He quickly jumped up and was quite embarrassed said "I'm really sorr-"

I quickly cut him off saying "Don't worry about it, it's fine." I gave him a soft smile and went to make some breakfast for the two of us.

Soon Tom came into the kitchen to help me out.

"Y/N Harrison is coming over, I just need to explain to him what had happened." Tom said. I nodded slowly as you continued to cook.

"And thank you, for everything." He said. I gave him a smile and placed my breakfast on the table.

I had a feeling something was going to happen, bad or good, i didn't know, but something was going to happen.

a/n do y'all get that gut feeling when something is about to happen?

because I don't

but on another note you guys are the best. thank you for voting and commenting. I hope you are enjoying the book.

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