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I got up the next morning, to find Tom and Harrison asleep. I decided to make breakfast for everyone, pancakes! When i was done, Tom came out of his room as if on cue.

"Morning Tom" I say gently with a soft smile.

"Yeah, hey" he replies bluntly.

I was taken back a little, what happened to the cherry Tom I wondered. But I let it slide, he probably has a migraine or something. Soon Harrison gets up too, offering a small nod. I smile back at him but see that he can't meet my eyes. I continue to let my mind wander through the possibilities of what might have happened.

We all ate breakfast in silence. I tried to catch one of the boys attention, to get some idea of what was wrong but no one spared me a glance. A frown appeared on my face as I get up to put my plate in the sink.

I got ready for work and once I was ready I offered the boys a ride to work. Harrison nodded and for the first time this morning looked at you with a small smile, but it didn't seem to reach his eyes.

Tom on the other hand, took a while to respond but said that he would find his own way to work. My eyes furrowed together but I decided that he just wanted some space. I picked up the keys and said "Let's go Harrison," with a blunt tone reaching my voice.

Harrison looked like he was debating something in his head. He snapped out of his face and followed me to the car. I drove to work with music filling the empty silence of the car. 

Once we arrived a pleasant surprise attic in front of me, guess who it was!

Brittany! YAY! With a sly smile on her face, the exact smile she knew that I despised.

I internally rolled my eyes and got out of the car, I glanced over to Harrison who was glaring at Brittany, his hands unconsciously opening and closing into a fist shape.

I quickly pulled him away from the sight of Brittany before he went off the rails. I could see each second that passed he grew closer and closer to that state

"What's going on with you and Tom?!" I whisper-yelled a little bit too loud.

Tom glanced at me and his eyes widened a bit, "Y/N I'm sorry, I messed really bad, you don't deserve me." Tom said quietly but all in one breath.

"What is this all about?" I pleaded. They look at each other as Harrison glared at Tom. There was an obvious tension and I wanted to know what was going on. An unfamiliar feeling rose in your stomach as Tom cleared his throat giving you a look of pity and regret.

"Y/N I cheated on you..." Tom said looking everywhere but directly at you. You felt your stomach drop, your lips began to slowly quiver with fear.

"You did what?! Tell me this is some sort of messed up joke! Tell me Tom!" I spat as my hands began to shake.

"I'm sorry Y/N, he cheated on you with Brittany." Harrison said putting his arms around me in an attempt to hug me. I pushed him away. A look of angry consumed your eyes and all you could see was red.

"Why?!" I yelled.

"Why would you do it?" I said quietly this time, looking down at the ground. Was I not enough for him?

Just then Brittany walked over with the same sly smile from earlier and put her arms around Tom, then she said "I told you, you can't keep him."

I felt like punching her or just hitting her , or punching her. But I held back all the anger and tears. I promised myself I would never let her win. I turned around without another glance at anyone and walked back to the makeup department as calmly as i could.

Tom followed me but as i got in the room I slammed the door. A wave of sudden confidence washed through me and a pleasing smile appeared on my face. I didn't let them break me. I knew this was just a phase and that I would break down later but not right now!

"Y/N please listen to me!" He pleaded.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't deserve me."

"But I don't want to leave you."

I opened the door, a smile still plastered on your face

"Well I'm leaving you." I say bluntly and then I did something that my mind couldn't register. I instantly regretted it.

a/n this is just sad :,(

a/n this is just sad :,(

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