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(Just a warning that this part includes mention of physical abuse, if this makes you uncomfortable or for any reason other than this please do not read it. I, of course hope this never happens to anyone. Look at me being all serious for once in my life, but for real please don't read if you don't want to)

My eyes widened in fear and the tears started to form on brims of your eyes. I couldn't believe what i saw. Tom stood in front of me, basically lifeless. His face dripping with blood and his eyes filled with fear.

I went to hug him but he stepped back out of fear. "It's okay Tom, don't be afraid. I will look after you. Come on in," I  said softly to him.

He looked up to me and  I engulfed him in a hug. I could feel his warm tears on my back and tears of my own rolled down my face.

I carefully pulled him inside and made him sit on my couch. Then I asked  slowly "who did this to you?"

He pulled out a note from his pocket and gave it you. It read:

" I said I would do something if you didn't stop, so here it is. The person you love most, heartbroken and in pain. ENJOY! - Brittany."

This was all Brittany, Brittany had hurt Tom. "She told me to blame you for all this," he said motioning to his wounds.

"But I don't care what the reason is, I would never blame you." He said as a small smile appeared on both our faces.

"Hold on, I'll be back." I say to him as he slightly nods his head. I run over to my medicine cabinet to grab the first aid kit. Then i went back and start cleaning him up. He winced as I applied the alcohol to the wound but I placed my hand in his and he instantly relaxed.

Soon Tom and myself were both very tired so we got ready for bed.

a/n awe so cute. get ready for some fluff.

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