Chapter 2♣Charlie's Angels

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"No Matter What ".

I walked into my bathroom once again, looking into the Mirror i began my morning Routine before walking out of the room.

I was Determined on finding Maxwell, i wouldn't stop anything even if it meant risking my Life.

I walked over to my Large wardrobe and sifted through it trying to find the most attractive outfit, and i finally found one it was red and had exposed my thighs on the side.

I had bent down to retrieve the dress, when i had noticed a tiny strip of paper dangling from the dress pocket, retrieving the dress i grabbed the piece of paper in my hands reading the words to Myself.

Pete's Gun and weaponry shop

Located at west 49th street.

Las Vegas.

I Stared at the paper in satisfaction.

I slid the Slip of Paper in my dress pocket before sliding the dress on whole,the dress had fit me perfectly, showing my round shaped curves.

I Smiled in the mirror in satisfaction before turning away from the mirror and grabbing my Belongings,i was out of the door in a snap.

The Hallway of our apartment complex had smelled of Pine sol and ammonia as i walked my way through the corridors all the way to the Fifth floor Elevators.

The Door to the elevator had already been ajar and so i slipped inside before the doors could close,as i waited for the elevator to reach the first floor and or Lobby i began to feel quite panicked.

What if they've killed him already? What if he just wanted me to fall into his itty bitty traps?

I sighed letting the thought dissapear from my mind instantly as the door to the Elevator shuffled open .

I walked out of the Elevator and into the dimly Lit Lobby,the walls were red and Leather almost like a movie Theater,our doorman Mr.Paleskoi greeted me with a genuine Smile.

I Smiled back feeling a wave of reassurance sweep over me, somehow that One Smile had Caused my Self esteem to Highten.

I walked through the double doors and out onto the beautiful,smooth pavement.I could hear the sounds of honking Taxis and people's hard footsteps hitting the Pavement and also the sounds of Engine's and exhaust.

My first Mission was to found out where this Gun Shop was and how to get there, now i Already Knew where it was Located but i still wasn't certain on how to get there.

And so i would use what any normal person would use to find a location.

Google Maps.

Scrolling through my android phone,i finally found what i was looking for, clicking on the application i was directed to a screen that showed all the city of Las Vegas.

I typed in the Location of the Gun Shop and was Redirected to a map of the Shop's Location and What type of Transportation i could use.

I could Only Haul A Taxi and so in the End i Decided to Haul a Taxi,Besides the Shop was Only 8 Blocks from here.

I walked about 4 Blocks before getting into the Nearest Taxi and driving 4 More Blocks.

I Finally Reached the Small Location stepping out of the Taxi and into the Store with Quick Strides.

"Well Hello Miladdy ". The Cashier greeted me a huge Grin "How May i help you this Fine Day". I Smiled at her Before saying:

"How Much are you're Pistols ". I asked hesitantly before smiling up at The Frail Figure.

"30$".She Smiled before pulling down a Box full of Pistols she places them Before Me before saying "Fully Loaded and everything. "

"I would like 1 Pistol and 5 packs of you're Bullets,how much would that Be?" She smiles.

"That's only 35 dollars,a discount for you my friend ".I smile at her Genuinely before Replying to her in a slow manner.


"You don't need to think me,you're one of our Very loyal customers". She winks at me leaving me expressionless and Yet Confused.

Loyal Customer?

What did she Mean by that?

The Frail girl must have read my mind because she Answered my question with only a Few words.

"Your Boyfriend Maxwell comes here".

What?Maxwell is a Hitman!

Kenna The Notorious Killer/rough Draft Version Duoligy Ver.  Where stories live. Discover now