Chapter 5: My boyfriend is friends with a Hotshot

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"I have a Boyfriend ". I Retort back,his eyes trail over my slightly exposing dress before smiling and answering back.

"I know, you're boyfriend is my Best friend and he has sent me to watch over you and help you find him ". The guy Named Baxter smiles genuinely and winks making a soft blush form on my cheeks.

"So Tell me, what in the hell has my Boyfriend got himself into this time "? I question Baxter whilst sitting down on my couch that stood near the door.

"Basically Maxwell is a Hitman." Baxter says, i roll my eyes at him before replying in a silly Remark:

"No Shit Sherlock ".

He Chuckles whilst inching closer to me, he wraps a arm around my waist the other hand placed on the couch.

"Feisty One, aren't you ". His accent is less visible and now i can hear his American accent.

He Ruffles my hair before letting go of my waist, i sigh in relief before rolling my eyes in Annoyance.

"We have to kill whoever Kidnapped Maxwell ". I had answered back, Baxter Nods his head nonchalantly before Rising from the Couches soft Cushions and placing his hand out expecting me To grab it.

But instead I pull myself up and off the couch, i walk back into my Bedroom before grabbing the Slightly ajar Suitcase and closing it Securely.

I walk out of the Room the Rectangular case burrowed under my arms , we Exit the Apartment and i lock the door metallic door before filing out of the Hallway and down the Marble staircase.

An hour later....

Kenna's POV

We had just Exited a Taxi and were taking quick strides down the Block when a tall figure appeared from just around the Block, holding a Gun to my Head the Figure grabs my arm and throws me against the wall.

Baxter is the first to react , with uncoordinated movements he manages to grab a Gun out of the suitcase and lodges a bullet into the Figures bare chest making him stagger back before falling to the ground, head first.

Baxter sprints over to me and grabs my arm pulling me closer to his slightly exposed chest, in Response i blush immediately regretting it.

"You like what you see, don't you?" He chuckles lowly and grabs my waist before pulling me Against him.

I push him away, rolling my eyes in Annoyance.

"We are supposed to be looking for my Boyfriend remember that hotshot, now quit trying to Flirt with me when you clearly understand that I'm not single and ready to Mingle ". I Roll my eyes once again before Staring at Baxter who Clearly Looks Hurt.

"I'm sorry....".

"No i am ". Baxter says "I'm sorry for trying to light the mood when it's clear then day that you may never See Maxwell again, i know what that guy is Capable of and I'm not risking you're life trying to save him ".

"You don't even Know me and already you think you can just come and save me like a knight in Shining armor ". I cross my arms and rage Began to Boil up.

"Well i know Maxwell, and i know that the only reason he's doing this is so that he can finish the mission he has, so that he can leave you lonely ". Baxter's words pierce threw me , leaving a Gaping hole through my Heart.

"This is all..just fake". I say, tears begin to fall out of my eyelids and i let them, sobbing loudly i turn my torso back towards the Previous block before covering my eyes and collapsing onto the ground before me.

He never loved Me

It was all Just a Hoax.

Kenna The Notorious Killer/rough Draft Version Duoligy Ver.  Where stories live. Discover now