Chapter 7: The Odds

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"This'll Be Fun ".

Me and Jax escorted ourselves out of the Grand apartment complex, Making our way through the Lively yet Crowded Streets of Las Vegas until we Met Face to Face With a Grand Mansion, filled to the brim with Chandeliers and marble staircases and a Grand piano in the middle of the Living Room, the house smelled of leftover Gunpowder and Vanilla air refresher.

"You're House is awesome ". I managed to get out my mouth gaped open and my eyes staring up at the Dynamic Scenery of his Ancient humble abode .

"Thanks so much, Classy Lady ". He says Nudging my shoulders before touring me around his Humble abode.

"You Can Stay Here for the Night if you want to." He says clearly being serious "I have another bedroom that you can stay inside ".

"Thanks". I reply "But I'll Pass, i want to set my mind free of a Few things and with you staring at me like I'm you're prey i just can't Concentrate ". He huffs in defeat before grabbing my arm.

"How about i Play you a song before you leave, like a farewell gift from me and then I'll Let you Go " . I Nod my head obediently before smiling at Jax.

"I  would like that ".

In with that Jax Escorts me into the Living Room sitting me down on a red love seat that was close to the Grand Piano.

"Make yourself at Home". He says grinning, he settles himself down in front of the wooden grand piano, placing his hands on the white and black keys, he takes a breath before beginning to play every classical song in the book.

In the end he plays a song i never heard before in my life, i Already Knew that this particular song wasn't real nor was it happy instead the song had been mixed with a sad and happy melody, yet the song was absolutely beautiful almost making me cry.

Along with Jax's soothing vocals the song began to make me feel a tad bit sleepy.

"Hey- Jax ". I interrupt his beautiful song recollecting my thoughts." I really love the song, but it's kinda making me sleepy, i know i said i wasn't going to stay but can you please let me sleep somewhere.

"Sure ". He says mischievous in his voice "That was the point of the Song, to make you sleepy so that you can sleep here ". I chuckle before yawning aloud.

Rising from the soft Cushions of the love seat, i stumbled off of the couch only to stagger back, before i could completely fall to the ground like a Drunk person I was swept into someone's arms.

I was too tired to Wonder who it was, so i just settled into the pair of arms before replying in a slow whisper:

"Good..night..jaxy". I could hear the rumbling of a chest and a laugh erupting in the air, completely startled i open my eyes wide, only to meet Jax's brown ones.

"Good night, Kenna ",  He whispers into my ears before climbing up the Marble staircase and into a Grand Bedroom.

He places me down on a soft white pillow before tucking me into the bedsheets and turning the Air conditioner on, he places a soft kiss on my hand making my stomach swell up.

I sigh closing my eyes.

"Sleep well, My love ". He says

Before i could protests, sleep welcomed me in open arms and i took the invitation settling into a quiet  and Peaceful Slumber.

The next day....

My eyes opened wide, readjusting to the dimly Lit lights i prop my hands behind me pulling myself up, i sigh and search the Room for any sign of Jax.

But he only left a note and the lingering smell of his cologne.

I picked up the note and eyed it for a second before reading it aloud:

Dear Kenna,

I will be joining you shortly in the dining room area, oh and make yourself at Home i ran a bath for you just if you wanted to refresh yourself ;).

P.S: The petals are for scents only...nothin romantic.

I blushed at the thought of Jax trying to be romantic, but i couldn't put two and two together and so i let the thought drop, i rose from the soft bedsheets and walked my way over to the bathroom which was inside the Master bedroom.

I am met with the a beautiful claw foot tub and the tub was filled with red rose pedals, candles also aligned the side of the tub and placed in the corner of the bathroom was a beautiful red dress with rose petals sticking to the edges.

I stripped from my now sweaty clothes and threw them onto the floor in front of me before wrapping my hair into a tight bun and stepping my foot onto the soft surface of the bottom of the the tub, i sat down .

There was a bar of soap that stood on the edge of the tub, grabbing it i bathed myself quickly and rinsed off the dirt left on my body.

I grabbed a white robe draping it around my body, i tighed it tightly before walking out of the bathroom grabbing the Gown before i returned into the room, and there in all his former glory was Jax.

He smiled at me when he saw me.

"I thought you were not going to be back for a while ". I scratch the back of my head in sheer confusion, he walks over to me before placing a hand on my shoulders.

"I just wanted to make sure you haven't tried to escape me ". He says grinning up at me like a Chesire Cat.

"I  wouldn't have ". I say smiling brightly at him before walking back into the bathroom closing the door forcefully behind me.

After Putting on my clothes i checked myself in the Grand mirror before Nodding in sheer satisfaction, i was excited about working with Jax as a Hitman.

"So how did you like my little morning gift". He says smiling at me. "It was a little bit over the top but i loved it nonetheless ". He Nods in satisfaction as we walked along the brick road to our first official location.

The person who had kidnapped Maxwell had lead us to but another gun shop location, the note had stated that he wanted us to kidnap the owner for some reason and that if we bypass and or refused his rules that he would kill Maxwell.

Even if he really did want me, why would Maxwell lie to me and make  me think that he lived a Normal life, as a Normal human being.

And to find out that he was about to either propose to me and or someone else left me in a confused predicament and or situation, should I think that Maxwell ever wanted me ?

I had two Men fighting over me, and in the end of it all....

I had to pick but one.

But who?

Should i give Maxwell another chance?

Or is love to fragile for that?

I am knocked out of my interior monuluge and back into reality when i bump into a hard muscular chest, i look up to see Jax staring at me in confusion yet sheer amusement.

"I'm so sorry, but why were you daydreaming whilst talking to me?" He says, he wraps his arms around my torso twirling me around in the right direction before resuming to walk.

"I'm sorry Jax, i just have alot on my mind ". He Nods sympathetically before intertwining his hands with mines.

"You're not the only one ". He says in a deadpanned voice "I'm thinking about alot of stuff to, but do you think that you can simmer it down a knotch ". He asks politely.

I Nod my head as we walked into the gun shop and up to the Front counter, there was nothing there but a shiny metallic Bell, a label right next to it stated:


Jax was the first to observe the Label, in a quick motion he rang the bell, a distant sound in the almost empty space.

Appearing from the back was an old matured looking women, she nearly had grey hairs on her head, she was frail almost like the frail figure i had seen previously.

"How May i help you this Fine Day?" She asks politely.

Kenna The Notorious Killer/rough Draft Version Duoligy Ver.  Where stories live. Discover now