Chapter 12: I'm his celebrity crush

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NOTE: I really love this cover..but it isn't me I picture this guy as Maxwell. 😁.


"Clementine!" I Screamed pulling away from him abruptly, a guilty look forms on his face before abruptly changing into sadness.

"What's wrong, Clementine "? I say feeling quite sympathetic for him. "I never meant for any of this, i never wanted to hurt you i actually really like you i would never hurt you, Kenna  "

"But , you nearly fried me in a freaking bath tub,explain that?" An confused expression abruptly unfolds onto his Face.

"That wasn't me, i swear ". He throws his hands up showing that he meant no harm."Then if it wasn't you, who was It?" He shakes his head whilst scratching his neck.

"I really don't know what to say, first you kidnap my boyfriend and then you say he killed you're son-".

"That was my boss, he's the one  trying to kill you Kenna, i would never hurt you and I'm very sorry for kissing you without you're permission.  He smiles at me.

"Okay but what about Maxwell"? Clementine clears his throat his eyes wandering everywhere else but mine's, i Already Knew what that meant before he Could explain.

"You lost my boys"? I exclaim placing my hands on my hips scoffing "No. I only lost Maxwell you're friend Jax is still there okay?

"I Want you to find my boyfriend, NOW "! I exclaimed slapping Clementine across the face before screaming aloud.

"Find him Clementine!" I exclaimed "It's actually not Clementine, it's Clemency Sherwood, that's my Full name ". I Send him a death Glare whilst searching around the Room for Maxwell.

"Kenna!" I hear Jax's voice and look to my right, he stood there tied to the wall, along with Maxwell. I ran over to both of them and squeezed them into a tight hug before releasing them abruptly.

"Let's...leave ". I tell them completely out of Breath whilst unraveling the tie. The ties came unloose quickly and i jumped onto Maxwell kissing him passionately.  He grins whilst grabbing me in his embrace and Leading me out of the warehouse- but just when we we're about to hit the exit the door slid open and a masked man appeared and put a gun out at our heads before the lights switched off.

And hell broke loose...once again.

This time someone grabbed me and slammed me against the floor, knocking me unconscious.


I awoke in a prison cell.

Scanning the room i began to Call out people's names. "Jax!" I repeated his name once again "Jax!" This time he hears me, i turn to see that he's right behind me, i grab him in my arms hugging him closely.

"I thought I lost you ". Jax Murmurs under his breath whilst rubbing my back soothingly, i sigh before realizing- Maxwell wasn't there.

"Max!" I Screamed so loudly that Jax moved slightly away. "MAX!" This time i scream his name much Louder, i repeat myself millions of times but it's clearer then day that- They have him.

I fall onto Jax's lap whilst crying in sorrow, but Jax is there for me and strokes my hear soothing me for a bit before laying beside me . "We're going to find matter what. " I Smile at him before settling into his arms and letting sleep take me away.

Nightmare #1

I woke up to see neither Jax nor Maxwell was there, but only Clemency and another white figure, they were laughing at me and had held out a gun aiming it directly at me, i flinch knowing that the bullet would hurt me....maybe even kill me, i close my eyes and hear a gunshot.

But when the Pain doesn't come, I'm confused opening my eyes i turn and see the horror movie beside me, a very dead  Maxwell stared up at me with pleading eyes, i took my eyes off him and settled them on the thing in front of me.

It was a gun.

I was the one who KILLED Maxwell.

I awoke from the Terrible Nightmare Screaming my head off like a maniac, Jax surely heard it because he awoke very alert whilst grabbing me in his arms. "What's wrong darling "? He says His eyes Searching my face for any sign of Expression.

"I had...had.....a.........a...night........mare". I reply shivering like Crazy "I'm so so sorry....".

"You don't have to apologize, i just wanted to make sure you were safe, that's all that matters". He strokes my cheek before whispering "I will always love you,Kenna bear ". I Chuckle whilst closing my eyes.

"I wish that we could be, family ". He chuckles a bit before replying "Well i happened to be Maxwell's Stepbrother so if you happen to marry Max then I'll become you're brother in law ". I Smile brightly at his realizations.

"And you would be a great Brother in law ". I answered back Winking, he kisses my forehead slowly before placing me down on the cold hard ground of the prison cell, he slides next to me before smiling.

And i know this sounds odd but in the Darkness, Jaxy Boy looked good as Ever. "Good night Bestie". I had said smiling up at Jax's beautiful face. "Good night friend ". He answers back stroking my hair .

In Minutes I'm asleep.


When i awake in the Morning, the Cell door was wide open, the smell of Bacon and eggs had wafted through the hallway emitting a Great smelling Aroma .

And Then there was a small Tap on my shoulders, I am now Met with Not Jax's Eyes but Clementine's. Clementine  smiled at me and i rolled my eyes at him whilst looking around the large prison cell for Jax.

"Where's Jax?" I say beginning to Panic Aloud Clementine grabs my hand making me stop in my Thoughts "Don't Worry He's gone and talked to my boss, he's trying to see if he can Bargain himself for Maxwell ". The thought of Jax Killing himself just to help me get Maxwell was unbearable.

I know I already had Maxwell, but i couldn't Live without Jaxy Boy Either. As soon as those words left Clementine's mouth i looked at him in complete hatred whilst slapping him, hard against his face. "And You didn't stop him! What the Hell is wrong with you?"! I rose from the cold hard ground and grabbed Clementine's arm pulling him up.

"Take me To Jax or I swear that I'll punch you so hard that you're Bony skull will break in freaking half ". Clementine Stared at me for a Moment his face shown complete Shock.

And just like that Clementine grabs my hand leading me out of the Prison cell and down a long Hallway, his feet had moved swiftly on the floor and i followed quickly after him .

In about the Duration of a 3 minutes we made it back over to the Courtyard's Main entrance where Jax and Maxwell stood, along with a Masked Figure, Jax indeed had a White pistol in his hands, he placed his hands swiftly on the Trigger.

Before he could even think about Detonating the Gun, I ran over to Jax swiftly trying to Pry the Gun away from his grasp, I was able to Grab the Gun away from him, but not in time to stop it from Detonating, in an instant a stray bullet flew from the entrance and Sinked.

Right Into the Masked Man's head.

Kenna The Notorious Killer/rough Draft Version Duoligy Ver.  Where stories live. Discover now