Chapter 12- Why'd you leave me?

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I Sighed whilst plopping down onto the sofa in The Living room, i felt Lonely Without Jaxy Boy beside my side,and then I quickly began to Think.

"When Was the last time i took a shower?". And at that same moment,Candy The Heartbreaker walked into The Room and immediately stared up at me in fear and Guilt.


"SHUT UP CANDY!!!". I Screamed before getting up and off of the Couch, i stormed across the Room's threshold and into The Kitchen, Jax's maids were still there still working.

"Hello everyone, from now on or for a Few months I'll be telling you guys what needs to be done, But there's nothing to do today,so you guys can relax". I Say whilst smiling .

They Clap there hands and began to Cheer, i smiled at them once again before dismissing them, but not before one of yong maids walked over to Me and handed me a later.

"Jax wanted you to have it". The Maid had Told me, her voice was a pitch higher than Normal". She bowed before prancing and skipping out of the Kitchen .

I was Eager To Read the letter and so, therefore I tore the envelope open with my thumb Whilst taking the Paper Out enthusiastically.

I Read the Paper Aloud:

Dear Beloved,

It's me Jax Again, and i wanna inform you that today, is the day where Chad one of my best friend's invited you to the Club to dance and or sing, it's Whatever you want my love and i promise you that soon I'll be coming back...well if you want me to. OH yeah and  the maids will do whatever you want them to do..

And last but not least...

Try Not to Get Hurt

I  love ya ;)


Jaxen Alvera

P.S.: I miss you. :(

I winced when i read those words, if you really did Miss me then why in the world would you go off and Leave me like That, i sighed.

And Second "Don't Get Hurt!". How'd you think i was supposed to do that when you know that, that dingo head of a guy is after me and you're not even here, if I end up 6 feet under, then it's you're fault.

I sighed loudly and stormed out of the kitchen, i walked up the 30 flights of stairs and into the 2nd Bathroom, i slammed the door shut and pulled the shower curtains away,there lay but Another letter.

I Suck my teeth and snatch the Paper off of the wall ,i read it Aloud to Myself:

Dear Kenna bear:)

This 3rd note is to inform you that after the tragic fire in our room, i had To restock you're clothes wardrobe, i found out you're size in pants, shoes and in dresses and shirts. :)

Oh and if you're planning to take a shower now, there are soaps in  the cabinet under the Sink, along with 5 towels a wash cloth and proactive for you're skin;) [I found out that you have acne:)].



P.S.: Don't Wear something to Revealing:(

I Smiled when i hear that, before placing the Paper on the Sink before bending down and opening the Sink Cabinets, i spotted 5 white towels, 3 wash cloths and 9 soap bars along with a case full of proactive products, along with the electric brush.

I grabbed one towel , a cloth and The bag full of proactive products, i placed the bag on The Edge of the Sink whilst stripping out of my beige jeans along with my beige shirt.

I threw it on the floor whilst placing my soap bar and cloth on one of the shower stands, i turned up the shower's knob and the water precipitated down on me, drenching my Hair and body.

And I ran my hands through my Hair cleaning out all of the residued dirts in my Hair whilst shaking it forcefully.

And for some reason as i bathed myself i began to Think about the bad things that could happen to Me and Jax, a lump formed in my throat and i whimpered softly sinking down into the shower letting the water contuinsly precipitate onto my bare body, i clawed at the tatooes on my back wishing they would evaporate into nothing, The thoughts of both Jax and Maxwell overwhelm me and i moan in pain as the thoughts flooded into my mind.

I missed both of them. So much.

I Let Out a distressed cry whilst placing my head on my legs.

"Baby...come back to me ". I whispered in distress  whilst closing my eyes.

To Be continued ..........

Kenna The Notorious Killer/rough Draft Version Duoligy Ver.  Where stories live. Discover now