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Song for chapter: Utada- Come back .

"Oh my God. Oh my God!" I exclaim in happiness whilst trailing my hands along the beautiful Tattoo, I gasp and Jax Smiles up at me lovingly, the Tattoo showed a picture of me my hair in a bun and on the bottom it Said. Mi Àmoŕe

"It's so beautiful ". I say whilst Blushing and taking off my shirt. "Now it's time for me to show you my Tattoos. " I Smile at him whilst moving my bra upward revealing the Tattoo.

His eyes almost look as if they were going to bulge out of his head, he grinned and touched his hands to the Tattoo Firmly whilst i shivered.

" hot!" He says whilst sending a wink my way.

He smiled at me again making me blush once again. His hands fled up to my neck touching the Tattoo that Said Màxwell.

He strokes the Tattoo then let's go of my neck whilst placing my shirt on my head, I Smiled at him and slid The Shirt on before grabbing him into a hug.

He Reacts differently then i expected, his hands find my curves whilst pulling me Towards him, I heard his breath hitch in his throat as he neared closer to my face.

What's Happening?

I think he's going to kiss me!

Just when things where about to get heated did we hear a gunshot and a hard body hitting the four walls of the Mansion. As soon as he hears them he pulls away from me not before hoisting me  off of the bed and onto the floor, his eyes search frantically around the room before kneeling to the ground quickly pulling something from under the bed.

A Bullet Proof Vest along with two guns, his eyes search once again around the room this time for his phone, he finds his found quickly pulling it off the floor not caring that the screen was Cracked.

He Dialed a 10 digit number whilst pressing the call button, it rung several times before a feminine voice says:

"What's the Matter Jax?" A Voice had said through the speaker phone. "I need you over here NOW! There's a Gang war bout to take place!".

I Began to feel panic, and whenever I feel panicked i began to act very crazy, like how Carly reacted when she got trapped in the therapy box with sam and her mother.

I immediately began to jump up and down whilst stopping my feet hard against the Marble Floor, Jax Notices whilst staring up at me in confusion.

"My God...kenna ". He says whilst placing his hands on her back trying his hardest not to do anything reckless , but there was nothing he could do now..I had completely Gone Pandemonium.

He walks frantically around the room and knocks a picture of the wall whilst revealing a large safe that was slightly ajar, there in the safe was a big Gym bag, it was blue.

He grabs my arm whilst grabbing the gym bag, along with his phone and the Bullet Proof Vest. 

He pulls me over to the window and i look down at a figure below, his hands were up and he looked as if he was trying to grab something. He winks at me before saying in a whisper/yell  voice:

"Hey! Pass me the gym bag will ya ". I recognize his accent to be American not British or any other accent, I nod my head whilst grabbing the gym bag Jax Smiles and gives me a Thumb up, I Smile back before throwing the gym bag in the figures direction.

He Let's Out a Grunt before catcing the bags in his arms, he places it on the grass that aligned the side of the Mansion.

"J-Jax we need to go now!" I exclaimed as i heard footsteps pounding on the wooden steps. Without hesitation Jax grabs my waist and hoist me over the window before kissing my head and pushing me down, down until the figure catched me in his arms.

Kenna The Notorious Killer/rough Draft Version Duoligy Ver.  Where stories live. Discover now