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Song For Chapter _ My everything by- Ariana grande.


DNCE - Cake by the Ocean 😉

As the kiss becomes deeper, I pull away.

He Whimpers and i smile at him before pulling away from him, but like I said i didn't like what i did.

"W-We weren't supposed to do-". Jax Smirks at me whilst placing his hands on my lips. "You know Maxwell wants you to be happy and also, no one will know ". I Smiled weakly at him Whilst replying;

"That was strangely.....awesome". Jax Smiles whilst letting go of my waist his hands now settled onto my shoulders. "Hey Jax we should get some sleep, ya know refresh our mind's of the drama that took place these past few months ". He agrees whilst taking my hands and leading me out of the room we were currently in .

He led me into what seemed like a Walk-in Closet, I Smile up at it in surprise whilst wrapping my arms around Jax, he smiles at me .

"You can pick any of these outfits to wear for bed, I don't think Genevieve will mind since you guys are Besties ". He Winks playfully making me blush.

I grab the First outfit i see whilst turning to Jax and smiling in satisfaction. He Nods his head whilst leading me out of the Slightly Disarayed Closet.

Jax Returns to the bedroom and i Venture deep into the house trying to find where the bathroom stood, after minutes of insucsses i finally ventured into a dimly Lit room.

The room Was Arrayed with potraits of different people, one in particular caught my eyes, the picture was of a pretty pale skinned girl she had a gun in her hand , she had blonde hair also .

"That was Her". the voice was Jax. "that was the girl i was telling  you about, unfortunately she was Killed by someone, someone I'm still trying to find ". I nodded my head whilst walking over to Jax and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"She was pretty ". I Smiled whilst pointing out her beauty. "Jax Smiles whilst Wrapping his arms around my slender waist. "You're pretty, Kenna ". His Kind words make me blush and i smile down at the floor.

"She will be dearly missed ". I say whilst closing my eyes and projecting the thought of her in my brain. Jax sends me a Small smile before grabbing my arm and leading me into a big room, turning on the lights it revealed a bathroom .

The Bathroom was big, it consisted of 3 toilets and 5 sinks, the toilets were closed off by Stalls, Jax followed me into the bathroom whilst standing behind me, he placed his hands on the small of my back whilst unzipping the bag of my dress .

"Thanks" I reply

"Anything for you ". He answers kissing my head.

I Smiled at him Whilst shooing him out of the bathroom so that i could change, he smiles at me before walking out of the bathroom closing the door behind him, I then stripped out of my outfit along with the bullet proof vest.

I then place on the Slightly exposing outfit that I'd found in Genevieve's closet, it was see through which meant that Jax could see my underwears.

In the end i shrugged whilst walking out of the bathroom with the outfit on, and i was met with Jax's figure, which was turned the opposite direction,  glancing over his shoulder he sees me from the back of his head and turns in my direction.

"Hello..Kenna ". He says, his eyes began to travel down and across at my Pajamas, he smirked and Looked up at me. "You're sure trying to make an impression ". I Smiled at him Whilst nodding.

Kenna The Notorious Killer/rough Draft Version Duoligy Ver.  Where stories live. Discover now