Warnings and Setup

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Trigger Warnings: mentions and possible graphic scenes and aftermaths of
Drug abuse
Alcohol abuse
Verbal abuse
Physical abuse
Eating disorders
Homophobia/Anti-LGBTQ slurs

Possible Triggers: (possibly included. If they are included, they will have specific trigger warnings before the chapter)
Suicidal thoughts
Depression/depressive thoughts
Anxiety or panic attacks (it is possible for someone to have an anxiety/panic attack by reading about it in detail.)

Chapters with "-" in their titles will also be written in bold and focus on Tyler, Frank, Pete and Brendon.

Chapters with "+" in their titles will be written in italics and focus on Josh, Gerard, Patrick and Ryan.

Chapters with "-+" or "+-" in their titles will be written in normal text. These chapters will either focus on a specific couple, or the characters will come from both groups.

The summary is also set up with these "-" and "+" marks so you can understand what group the  paragraphs or words are referring to.

First two chapters will be prologues for both sides, and should be up soon, but we all know how I am with update schedules. Not good. 😅

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