+Ever Since We Met+

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It's been a week since Ryan's gone missing. Patrick had to call Ryan's parents and tell them that he was missing. Patrick tried to function as normal at school, but he couldn't. Now both of his best friends were gone. Tears began to slip down Patrick's face as he entered the reception office of the visiting area.

"Patrick?" Spencer calls as Patrick passes through the security check.

"Hey Spencer" he greets, voice choked.

"What's wrong?" He asks, walking with the teen to the visiting room where Pete is waiting.

"My other best friend is gone, he's been missing for a week now."

"I'm so sorry" Spencer says sympathetically, placing a hand on his shoulder. Patrick smiles half-heartedly and sits down, picking up the phone.

"Hey-- Pat, what's wrong?" Pete asks, his face darkening with concern.

"R-r-Ryan! Oh Pete, he's gone missing!" Patrick nearly wails, fresh tears begin to pour down his face.

Pete sets the phone down and speaks to his guard. After a moment the man nods and picks up his walkie-talkie. Spencer's crackles from Patrick's side, and he picks it up, listening and agreeing with what the other guard is saying.

"Patrick, Jon is going to take Pete to an interview room, and we're going to meet him there, okay?" Spencer says.

"Y-yeah" Patrick hiccups, wiping his face clean of tears.


After learning of Ryan's disappearance, Gerard immediately told Ashley, who he now knew also went by Halsey. He thought that she might be able to do something. Days later, and she wasn't able to do a thing.

"I'm sorry, Gerard, but there isn't a whole lot I can do. I've talked to Dad, but the slums are huge. You high-end kids don't really experience it, but the slums take up about half of the city, the part the city doesn't care about. Sure, you and Patrick said that he entered through Fremont Street, but he could be anywhere by now." The blue-hairs teen confesses over the phone. "Listen, I've got to go, one of my little brothers is planning on starting a gang war and Dad just cleaned up the last one."

"Bye" Gerard says with a little laugh.

"Bye" she says, hanging up.

"Any luck from Halsey?" Frank asks, entering the room and sitting next to his boyfriend.

"None" Gerard says, shaking his head and leaning into Frank.

"Damnit" Frank replies. "I wish I could help, but I haven't been too far into the slums myself. Pete's the only person I know who's been into the deep, deep slums and made it out unscathed. And he refused to talk about it, only saying that he never, ever would go back."

"That bad?" Gerard asks, fearing for Ryan.

"That bad" Frank agrees. The two sit together in comfortable silence until Frank stands up. Gerard watches as his boyfriend maneuvers so that he is straddling Gerard. He kisses the older boy deeply, Frank's tongue slipping into Gerard's mouth. They battle for dominance, but the younger boy wins.

The door to their apartment opens and Gerard sees Josh walk in and he pushes Frank back.

"I- I'm just gonna go visit Tyler" Josh says, blushing.

"No sex" Gerard warns.

"Says you" Josh fires back. Frank laughs, kissing Gerard again.

"C'mon, baby. Let's go ignore your own advise" Frank suggests, getting up and dragging Gerard to their bedroom.


After Frank dragged Gerard off into their room, Josh knocked on Tyler's door.

"C'mon in" Tyler's voice calls through the door.

"Hey" Josh says, entering the room to find Tyler just staring into space.

"Hey, Josh" the younger teen says with a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"Anything new?" Josh asks, runny a hand through his newly re-dyed hair.

"Your hair's blue" Tyler says with a smile. "Oh! And the doctor said that I'd be able to switch to crutches next week!"

"That's great! I talked to the principal today. They're thinking of having you come back as soon as you're on crutches." Josh says, sitting down on Tyler's bed.

"I never thought that I'd be so happy to go back to school." Tyler replies in a joking manner. "It's boring as hell here, doing practically nothing."

"The voices haven't come back yet, have they?" Josh asks after a moment.

"No...." Tyler trails off. "Anyway, any news on Ryan?"

"None" Josh replies. The two begin to talk aimlessly.


When he wakes up again, Ryan is still shackled to the wall. His stomach is pained with hunger, and his mouth is dry. The door opens and the man walks in.

"Tsk, tsk baby boy. You've been causing a lot of trouble lately. Your friends seem to have some pretty strong connections with the underworld to have a major mob boss looking for you." The man crouches down and caresses Ryan's face. "But no matter, they'll never find you."

Ryan whimpers, cringing away from the touch. For the past week he had been beat daily, constantly. Sometimes he wondered if this is how Tyler felt when he was forced to live with his parents.

"You're mine now, aren't you?" The man asks, Ryan whimpers again, shakes his head, and the man slaps him. "You're mine, and you're going to know it." The man snarls, his blue eyes, cold and hard. He drags Ryan up to his feet, and the boy cries out in pain.

"Shut up!" The man hisses, backhanding Ryan. Once on his feet, the man slams Ryan back into the wall. He pins Ryan there with his body, and kisses him roughly, one of his legs between Ryan's. The young teen struggles, but the man rams him into the wall again.

"You're going to learn your place here" the man snarls after he's done invading Ryan's mouth. "Understand, pretty boy?" The nickname is harsh, like acid on the man's tongue and Ryan flinches.

"Understand?!" The man roars, and Ryan nods meekly. "Good boy" the man purrs, groping Ryan's front before leaving the room.

Ryan crumples to the floor, tears flooding as his violated body shakes.


(A/N: you guys don't know how hard that was for my to write, I feel a little sick. Anyway, by this time next week y'all are going to be p.o.'ed at me and I'm gonna laugh. Until next chapter! *salutes*)

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