-+troubled times+-

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(A/N: I just changed the Warnings and Setup so that I could write chapters focusing on both groups at the same time in normal text.

This also means that this chapter will be in third person omniscient, unlike the third person limited from *this character*'s POV.)

"Oh good, you're up" Pete comments from Tyler's window sill.

"What's up?" Tyler asks, turning to face Pete, a new bruise adorning his face.

"Meet Bren and I at the corner, we're going to the diamonds today and Frank and I met a friend who's inviting some of his friends."

"Okay" Tyler agrees. Weekends are the best times for Tyler because his parents don't care what he does, they're normally not even at their house. Even if they are, they just leave Tyler in his room, he only gets beat if they see him, which in Tyler's opinion, is a good thing.

"Wait, my parents are actually here, lemme get dressed and go with you to Bren's." Tyler says and Pete nods, turning and allowing his friend to get undressed and redressed.

Suddenly, the stench of whiskey filled the room and Tyler's door slammed open. Tyler dropped the shirt he was putting on and Pete whipped around.

In the doorway stood the heavily drunk, glaring form of Tyler's father.

"What the fuck is this?!" He roars, backhanding Tyler into his dresser. Pete is in front of Tyler in an instant, taking the next hit for his friend. Pete then swings his fist into Tyler's father's temple and the man crumples.

Tyler is crying, his temple is bleeding and Pete has a bruise forming on his cheek.

"C'mon bud" Pete says, handing him a washcloth and his shirt. "I'm going to drag your dad off to his room so he thinks that he passed out there. Put your shirt on and then we can get something from Bren's house."

"Okay" Tyler nods and Pete grabs Tyler's dad by his legs and drags him off to his bedroom.

While Pete is struggling to somehow maneuver Tyler's dad onto his bed, Tyler puts his shirt on and stands in the living room, eating for Pete and holding the washcloth to his forehead.

"Ready?" Pete asks and Tyler nods, he's always a bit quieter after confrontations with his father.

The two head out, walking the three blocks to Brendon's house. The teen is already outside and the Jeep he got in his cousin's will was running. Pete jumped the door, sliding into his seat and Tyler simply opened his door before getting in.

Pete reached under the driver's seat and produced a first aide kit as Brendon began driving towards the diamonds. It was after Pete finished putting a bright green bandaid on Tyler's forehead that Brendon asked.

"What happened, the both of you are bruised?"

"Frank is bound to ask, the faster you drive, the faster we get to the diamonds and the faster you find out what happened." Pete replies, checking his bruise in the rear view mirror.

When the trio reached the diamonds Frank, Gerard and three other petiole were already there, making Tyler and Brendon tense up, although for different reasons.

"About time you guys got here-- what happened?" Frank's tone turned from annoyed to confused in an instant.

Tyler exits the Jeep and practically launches himself into Frank, wrapping his arms and legs around the older and slightly shorter teen.

"What happened to you guys?" Josh questions, eyeing Tyler in concern.

"Back off, Dun" Brendon snarls and the red-haired teen raises his hands in surrender.

"Cool it, Bren" Pete says simply, resting a hand on the taller teen's shoulder.

"Ty, buddy, can you tell Bren and I what happened?" Frank asks, leaning against the Jeep and rubbing Tyler's back.

"Tyler?" Ryan asks quietly, shocked at his quiet classmate and semi-friend's appearance.

"Ryan right, Ryan Ross?" Pete asks as Tyler slowly lowers his legs and leans into Frank, turning to face Josh, Ryan, Gerard and Patrick.

"Yeah?" Ryan answers uncertainly.

"Just making sure" Pete assures.

"What. Happened." Brendon demands "We're getting off topic."

"What the hell else do you think happened, Brendon?!" Tyler nearly shouts. "My dad beat me again, and Pete got into the crossfire, again, something that has happened before! Is that what you wanted to hear?! I got hit again!" His voice breaks, "And now they know it too" he moves his arm in a sweeping motion to the others.

The four who aren't used to hearing this look at Tyler in shock.

"Tyler... I--I" Brendon stammers "I'm sorry bud, I'm just on edge." The others see it as a lame excuse but Pete, Frank and even Tyler seem to be content with his answer. Tyler, in fact, moves to hug Brendon.

"I know, I'm sorry for snapping."

"I'm sorry, I'm still lost at the fact that you guys are acting like Tyler getting beaten is a normal thing." Ryan interjects, his voice raised a little.

"You guys wouldn't understand, you live perfect, privileged lives" Pete snaps at the brunette.

"Then help us" Patrick snaps back.

"We're not stuck-up snobs from a stupid sitcom" Josh points out.

"And we're not rich assholes" Gee adds in, gesturing to Pete's backpack.

"Fine" Frank decides. "We'll tell you our stories. Starting with me."

::Earlier, with Gerard's group and Frank::

"Damn" Frank whistles as Ryan and Patrick pull up in a '67 Chevy Impala.

"I know right? Dean would be proud" Gerard laughs.

"But this one is a dark blue, not black like Baby" Frank comments, watching as Ryan and Patrick exit the car.

"Hey Gee!" The two greet in unison.

"Hey guys! Pat, Ry, meet Frank, Frank, meet Patrick and Ryan."

"Nice car" Frank comments, nodding toward the Impala.

"Thanks man, it used to be my dad's but he gave it to me when he bought a new one" Patrick smiles.

"Damn, that sounds expensive" Frank comments and Patrick, Ryan and Gee raise eyebrows at him and exchange slightly surprised looks.

"It's just buying a new car" Ryan shrugs off.

"Don't most middle or even upper-middle class families buy a car after seeking their old one though?" Frank inquires and after getting shrugged shoulders from all three other teens he gives up, explaining: "Money isn't as easy to come by and spend where I come from.

"Oh" they wait in mostly silence until Josh arrives and Gerard's pants and shoes and the teen changes in the back of Josh's car.

They talk aimlessly until Brendon, Tyler and Pete arrive.

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