-+...you're no wave+-

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(A/N: This takes place one week after the previous chapter ((which took place the same day as the one before it)). It is mid-October.)

Third Person::Omniscient::

Frank and Gerard::

Gerard had come back to town for an unscheduled break from college. Apparently, a cancerous mold had been found all over campus and the students had the option to go home until health codes and inspectors deemed it clear of the mold.

Gerard had been very helpful in the last couple months. He helped Frank pay for the two-bedroom apartment and insisted on taking his boyfriend furniture shopping, more than willing to use his parent's money to spite them and help Frank. Gerard was an emotional pillar for Frank as everything seemed to crumble down around him.

The two had been getting the apartment ready for Tyler, who would be getting released tomorrow in a wheelchair. The doctors didn't want Tyler to injure himself any further.

The two were cuddled on the couch, the end of The Nightmare Before Christmas playing on the TV. Frank was playing with Gerard's fingers as they watched Jack thwart Oogie Boogie.

"Someone on your mind, babe?" Gerard asks, seeing Frank's troubled expression.

"A lot of stuff. How did everything go to shit so fast? And where the hell is Brendon?" Frank wonders aloud.

"Everything is against kids raised like you, Ty, Bren and Pete. Especially when it comes to crimes, looking back, the system was definitely against Pete." Gerard says, the realization sending the two into silence as the movie finishes.

"Hey, Gee?" Frank says tiredly.

"Yeah babe?" Gerard says as Frank starts to stand up.

"I have to get to work, thanks for everything" Frank comes over. Gerard leans down and Frank stretches up to give each other a quick kiss.

"I'll see you later" Gerard says as Frank grabs his coat.

"Bye!" And with that the door closes behind Frank. Gerard enters what is going to be Tyler's room and looks around.

There's a twin-sized bed with gray and black sheets and a batman quit in the corner. (A/N totally not inspired by my batsman quilt nope.) A desk sits under a window and there's a closet in the wall across from Tyler's bed. There was enough room for Tyler to move around in his wheelchair.

Gerard left the bedroom and entered the main room, realizing that it was 7:00 pm and he hadn't eaten since breakfast. He pulls some leftover pasta shells from the fridge and empties some of the container into a plastic baggie before replacing the Tupperware. He grabs the baggie and his coat and the spare key Frank gave him.


Gerard walks down the street, intent on visiting Brendon when a blue-haired figure runs into him.

"Ashley?!" He exclaims in surprise, putting his hands on her shoulders to steady her.

"Hey Gee" she greets, looking over her shoulder. "Listen, I'd love to talk but I really have to go, bye!" She sprints off and is soon out of sight. Gerard stand frozen for a second, before he brushes the odd interaction off.


He reaches the address Frank had written down as Brendon's and knocks on the door. After a little bit, the door opens to reveal a bloodshot, disheveled Brendon. A Brendon who immediately breaks into tears at the sight of Gerard

"Hey, hey, Brendon, what's wrong?" Gerard says, placing a hand on the younger teen's shoulder and moving inside with him.

"I'm so-- god, I'm so sorry!" He sobs. "I promised myself-- I promised them that I wouldn't. But I did!" The brunette jerks himself away from Gerard and falls to the floor, hugging his knees to himself.

Warily, Gerard knees down to Brendon. "Bren, what did you do?"

"I" he sobs "I became my parents. I-I started doing drugs." With this confession, the teen breaks into hysterical sobs.

Tyler and Josh::

Josh tapped his foot impatiently, staring at the clock above the classroom door as he wished for his last period to finish the hell up!

"Dun!" The teacher snaps, bringing Josh's attention to him.

"Yes, sir?" Josh replies, his tone icy yet sarcastic at the same time.

"Outside, with me, now" host teacher orders and the two of them leave the classroom.

"What is so important that you can't stop staring clock and not bother to pay attention in history?" The teacher asks in a softer tone. "You're one of my best students, Josh. There's something going on."

Josh sighs, slouching a little as he looks at his teacher. "My orphaned best friend is alone in the hospital with broken and fractured limbs and ribs." Sure, he asked Tyler to be his boyfriend to which the brunette said yes, but his history teacher didn't need to know that. "He's been hospitalized for over six weeks, sir, and alone for most of the time. The doctors thought that he might have MPD and depression so they kept him another week for observation. We get the results back today."

His teacher looks at Josh with sympathy before looking at the clock. "There's a half hour left in this period." He pulls out a pass pad and fills out a pass, ripping it off and handing it to Josh. "Come in before school tomorrow."

"Yes, sir" Josh says with a bright smile as he takes the pass.

"Go on now" his teacher dismisses, re-entering his classroom.

Josh sprints down the hall to his locker to grab his things, then he dashes down a floor to get to the main office. He slows his pace slightly as he enters, handing the slip of paper to the lady at the front desk and heading out of the office and out of school.

Josh walks a couple blocks to the nearest bus stop and only has to wait five minutes before a city bus comes.


After a ten-minute bus ride, Josh gets off at the hospital and soon finds himself in Tyler's room.

"Hey, babe" Josh says quietly to his sleeping boyfriend when he enters. He sits down in a chair and before long, he starts bouncing his knee. It doesn't take Tyler too much longer to wake up and the two engage in aimless conversation.

The two's conversation about cats is interrupted by one of Tyler's doctors entering the room with Gerard and Frank behind him. Frank immediately goes to hug Tyler, wrapping the younger boy into as tight of a hug as he can without hurting the brunette's ribs.

"Alright Tyler" the doctor smiles. "We're going to be releasing you today, in a wheelchair as we discussed before. Your wrist, fingers and shoulder are all healed and you'll be in a wheelchair until your ribs are fully healed. As you know, we kept you here an extra week to test you for MPD and clinical depression." The doctor reports, reading off of his clipboard.

"And?" Tyler asks nervously, clutching Josh's hand.

"We've diagnosed you with Multiple Personality Disorder and a moderate case of clinical depression." The doctor reports grimly.

(A/N I refuse to let you guys off the hook, don't I? 😏)

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